Hello, I want to know, if it means that I have to write the code to fuse GPS-time and Livox-data-time myself? Or the code exists somewhere?
Hello @jedeschaud ,
The code for the function:
def transform_lidar_to_camera(lidar_transform, camera_transform):
R_camera_vehicle = rotation_carla(camera_transform.rotation)
'''>>> Creating camera {'x': -0.2, 'y': -0.55, 'z': 1.65, 'roll': 0, 'pitch': -10, 'yaw': 270, 'width': 1024, 'height': 768, 'fov': 90, 'sensor_label': 'camera8', 'sensor_type': 'camera'}
>>> Cre…
Hi Yang,
It seems that the way of BEV map generation in the file data_import_carla.py is different from the paper. For example, in the paper, BEV input is generated by voxelizing the 3D space in…
I want to create a panoptic occupancy map using panoptic LiDAR labels.
I'm curious if it's possible to generate a panoptic occupancy map using your code.
Dear Sir,
I am a 2nd year student at UTBM, currently working on Visual Slam for a French competition. I came across your publication on "SLAM-BASED 3D OUTDOOR RECONSTRUCTIONS FROM LIDAR DATA" and f…
### Prerequisite
- [X] I have searched [Issues](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d/issues) and [Discussions](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d/discussions) but cannot get the expec…
Thank you for sharing code! I'm very interested in your excellent work! I I'd like to ask you some questions.
I visualized the nuscenes dataset (first image), but it contains lots of noise in black r…
I have some problems when I project Pandar64 3D cloud point into a spherical image. Here the little snippet:
# load dataset
dataset = pandaset.DataSet("/path/to/dataset")
seq001 = dataset["0…