Thank you for your excellent work. The training results are very good. I have another question. Since PGSR can already render depth maps and normal vectors, can the current code add single-purpose dep…
I am working on similar project as my graduation project, but i was thinking to use lidar for measuring distances but the idea you use which called monocular sounds interesting besides lidars are pret…
Do you know if a repository for calibrating a monocular camera mounted on the end-effector of a kinova jaco2 exists?
Thank you
ubuntu 20.04
run ./build/mono_tum Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt configs/Monocular/TUM/freiburg1_desk.yaml rgbd_dataset_freiburg1_desk
run error :
terminate called after throwing an instance of "std…
When I execute python run_slam_pipeline.py stack_cubes_v6, I found that I encountered an error when executing 02_create_map.py, which prevented me from getting map_atlas.osa
The log is as follows:
Good evening,
I have a monocular camera mounted on the end-effector of a kinova manipulator and I am trying to use Aruco_ros to detect the marker for getting the camera extrinsic parameters witih …
Thank you for this great work and I was impressed by the design before you posted it on ArXiv (I noticed this on OpenReview and I am not a reviewer).
Is it possible to directly employ the monocula…
When using torch.hub to do monocular estimation, it got RuntimeError:
model = torch.hub.load('yvanyin/metric3d', 'metric3d_vit_giant2', pretrain=True)
File "/home/qizhong/miniconda3/envs/ga…
Hello! I’m curious to know if StableNormal can be fine-tuned or re-trained for other types of effects beyond monocular normal estimation. Similar to how you’ve adapted StableDelight, would it be possi…
Does the VI-DSO algorithm(Direct Sparse Visual-Inertial Odometry using Dynamic Marginalization) can work in Monocular camera?