Hi, when running SubPhaser i get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/531734/.conda/envs/SubPhaser/bin/subphaser", line 33, in
Running LACHESIS in the below way did not provide the expected chromosome numbers because I got 115 groups.
/usr/local/bin/Lachesis lachesis.ini
How may I fix this run error for executing the _S. cerevisiae_ test case, using your `LTRpred`?
BTW, the 1st test with Hsapiens_ChrY_ltrpred input completed without any error or warning me…
I am using PRICE software, it is really a wonderful tool, I have used it to predict ORF of several samples and it works well. Unfortunately, now I encounters a problem when analyzed a sample. …
Is there anything in the structure of amptk that would prohibit using Nanopore amplicon data as input?
Fragment lengths are ~1500 bp. Input fastq are already adapter and quality trimmed and demulti…
I've been trying to run amplicon architect for several days now but the run reaches a certain point and does not progress further without giving any errors or terminating. I am running it …
Hi @jlevy44 , I ran polycracker test_pipeline with my genome (with same name algae.fa) in test_data/test_fasta_files folder. It executed all the sub-program but after that show following error:
When I run 5p10XTCR with the example data TCR3.fastq.gz on my MacOS system, I got the error:
"Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/Home/nanoranger/pipeline.py", line 236, in
Is it possible to subset a pegasus h5ad file using a list of barcodes?
Thanks so much for your work in this tool and for this in advance - you guys are the best!
## Short description of the problem
Running `anvi-cluster-contigs` with `DASTool `or `Binsanity `as dri…