@gkos-bio commented on [Thu Jan 05 2017](https://github.com/opentargets/data_pipeline/issues/30)
Nice to see that we also incorporate the ncRNA gene trees from Ensembl described by Pignatelli et al. …
@AdmiralenOla does not splitting paralogs (-s in roary) affect Scoary results?
nbawe updated
4 years ago
I noticed recently that evidence records are dropped (@[data_pipeline/LookupTables.py#L114](https://github.com/opentargets/data_pipeline/blob/f4c9886b9b9613d3dbc309b6fa0f88145254431a/mrtarget/common/L…
If I try:
anvi-self-test --suite pangenomics
I will get the following output. The error is at the bottom.
:: Output directory ...
Is it possible to have panaroo merge paralogs in a separate, post-processing step if the graph is already available? I see you have made such setup for alignment so I'm trying to find a way to impleme…
I am getting an error for merge_transcript_sets.pl (merge_transcripts_multi_anchored.stderr)
Use of uninitialized value $txid in hash element at line :
Followed instructions from the "[develop](https://github.com/LeeBergstrand/BackBLAST_Reciprocal_BLAST/tree/develop)" branch however ran into the following errors after running the last line of code fr…
I have run a few files from the same experiment with no issue but with one set I keep getting this error after a few minutes:
Time loading forward index: 00:00:03
Floating point exception (core…
Hi, I am using Orthofinder and got an extensive output with orthologs and paralogs arranged in different orthogroups. My question is how can I extract the paralogs and orthologs seperately from the or…
I am comparing 8 _S. marcescens_ strains and ran Nullarbor for it. When comparing my assembly table report (the CDS column) to the numbers that appeared in the pangenome graphic (to the right), t…