import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.Control…
**Describe the bug**
Trying to execute a test case whose name contains a colon (:) fails.
d-biehl.robotcode-0.5.5\robotcode\debugger' '-p' '59491' '-w' '-t' '5' '-n' '-ol' '--' '-d' 'results'…
The class Tecbot Sensors seems redundant and just clutters up space when using it in other subsystems and commands.
All subsystem-specific components should be in their corresponding subsystems.
A minor issue, admittedly. But seeing as it is not acording to spec, figured I'd drop this in here anyway. :-)
**Describe the bug**
According to the Robot userguide, the values 'NONE' or no value…
In the src/main/cpp/climber/lerp.cpp, did we just want to use the `std::lerp(a, b, t)` function built right into cpp (explained here: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/lerp)?
There are 2.54 cm in an inch.
Create common classes to encapsulate the Falcon500 and SparkMax motor controllers, letting us control and simulate them in the same way.
On the robot-interface side, the class should support:
`State` classを用いたロボットの制御を行う。
Probably copy it from some previous year - https://github.com/RobotCasserole1736/DifferentialDriveSimTest/tree/master/RobotCode/src/main/java/frc/lib/AutoSequencer has the "latest-and-greatest" infras…
See [the build CI action](https://github.com/Tritron-Robotics/robotcode2022/runs/4876435631?check_suite_focus=true) for details.