``` R
# Creating a rasterised grid from point data
# Load raster library
# Set the spatial resolution of the grid you require, in degrees
I am trying to estimate the location of go1 by modifying deco_unitree_quadruped_robot.launch. Added map server, pointCloud to LaserScan and amcl.
An error occurs when running rostopic echo /rtabmap/a…
### Describe the bug
I am using Triton to compile a batched matmul kernel into a PTX as shown here:
import torch
import triton
import triton.language as tl
import os
**Describe the bug**
I am trying to compute the 1-RDM of a H2 molecule under STO-3G basis from VMC runs, by setting the Hamiltonian block in the input file as the following. The vmc run ends successf…
I have the visual SLAM working with a ZED camera, it can localizes very well.
Is there a way to match the coordinates of the VSLAM generated map to the map generated by
SLAM toolbox ? I would like t…
Basically, I am using a zed mini and using their ROS package. I use ubuntu 20.04, ros noetic, ros1, with a gtx 1080 gpu. I follow the installation instruction: https://www.stereolabs.com/docs/ros/
Can we make the block_size in the kernels more adaptive or parameterized? e.g. 1024 is pretty big for my GPU with 12GB of memory.
I have to run with block_size = 32
void fused_classifier3(…
azret updated
6 months ago
This continues issue #326
### What happened?
I' ve followed the [ros2 Nav tutorial](https://docs.trossenrobotics.com/interbotix_xslocobots_docs/ros2_packages/navigation_stack_configuration.html) but the navigation doesn'…
Hello, I am having trouble running rtabmap
I'm usuing oak-d-pro and livox avia and I'm trying to use 'subscribe_scan_cloud' parameter but the following error appears.