While I was trying to use obstacles_detection nodelet on ROS, I received the following exception and the nodelet has died.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'UExceptio…
HI team,
I love the work you have done
I'm currently exploring the app and attempting to build an Android APK, but I'm having difficulty finding the relevant documentation on how to accomplish this…
It is possible to turn off the DelaySupportAdder by setting
delay_support_adder = None
spinn_gym does this.
yet this raises the following issues / concerns.
1. Currently spinn gym…
This is the output thrown at me
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ros/noetic/share/gencpp/cmake/../../../lib/gencpp/gen_cpp.py", line 49, in
Why Cannot convert multi-camera data to rgbd image?
Currently, in the ros::init function, a global boolean (g_initialized) is set to true after the initializations. If you call a second time the ros::init function (after a ros::shutdown), nothing will …
Hello! I'm a newbie in ROS, so please excuse me.
I'm having the following issue compiling, which seems like a CMake problem because the header exists:
I'm working on a project that requires creating LAZ files directly on an iPhone, and I was wondering if you could provide any guidance on achieving this. I’ve encountered some challenges wit…
hi, I am using D435i for RGB-D odometry in ros2 Humble. i would like to know how the odometry is computed. which feature extractors or methods are being used. Is there a parameter file or code where I…
I did the data annotation with an object. When i try to do the object detection, its not detecting any object, i am getting white screen.
This is my code: