We are more than happy to prioritise the addition of different robots according to demand. We will endeavour to keep the list below up to date with requests as they are presented to us.
Feel free t…
Hi Roman
I am unable to connect UR3 Unity with UR3 Polyscope. Is there any need to change any IP in script file. Unable to connect VM --polyscope UR3. Please help ....
while running the training files through rosrun as defined in the readme, I am getting this error:
**File "~/catkin_ws/src/ur_openai_gym/ur_rl/scripts/tf2rl_sac.py", line 83, in **
### Description
I am controlling a ur3e with two grippers by launching the bringup file, moveit package and my GUI python scripts to do pick and placement tasks, and it works fine with no issues.
### Context
I am controlling a simulated robot from ROS2 and found there was a significant mismatch (in the order of centimetres) between the cartesian position of the tcp on the simulated teach pend…
Hi, I'm trying to recreate the experiment but can't run the code after following the instructions.
After creating a conda environment from the YAML file, building the forked drake code from source …
Sometimes connecting the to robot fails with weird errors. This often happens after protective stops or emergency stops. Restarting your script usually solves this. However it would be nice if airo-mo…
The goal of this epic ticket is to **summarize** and **prioritize** existing issues (usability, consistency, missing features) regarding `primitive` and `mesh` texturing in either Drake's supported re…
Hello, I've successfully connect the Unity3D with URSim with the IP address and it's possible to utilize the "Joystick Panel" to control URSim robot remotely. But the robot in Unity3D did not change i…
When using `joint_state_controller` with gazebo, `/joint_states` will provide wrong and large joint data when robot has heavy collision with some object in the gazebo world. But if we use gazebo plugi…