`naoeus/euslisp` の中の`nao-interface.l`は,2015年1月5日までの変更で止まっているようです.
`nao-interface.l` に `naoqi-…
It is just a memo, sorry for my trouble. I will close this issue as soon as possible.
I want to know whether the discussion "prevent calling ros::init without name; use node_name command option instea…
`:go-pos` publishes `/cmd_pose` topic, and `:go-velocity` publishes `/cmd_vel` topic.
The results of `rostopic info /cmd_pose or /cmd_vel` are as follows.
rostopic info /cmd_pose
Type: geometry_m…
Today I tried to run the demonstration program in Miraikan on my computer. When I ran
`load "mirai-demo-20150413.l"`
in roseus, I got this error
When I executed `roslaunch pepper_bringup pepper_full.launch`, I found `/cmd_vel` topic, but I couldn't find `/cmd_pose`.
I would like to have also `/cmd_pose` in `naoqi_driver.launch`. Could you tel…
I wrote package.xml and CMakeLists.txt for `naoeus`, which uses old `rosbuild` compiling system.
Could you give me advice?
If I make a mistake, please let me know. Sorry for my trouble.
What I did:
I have been reeving this message for the last several days, does not seem to matter which group/album I search for.
WARNING Attempt to query MusicBrainz for Dropkick Murphy s failed (caused by: )
Is it possible increase the download option number (restricted to 10,000). This is quite restrictive if you need all of the annotations for a species. GOA/QucikGO has a restriction, but has the option…
simple action servers:
`/joint_trajectory`: ALMotion angleInterpolation(jointnames, angles, time) pepper-interface.l uses it
`/joint_stiffness_trajectory`: ALMotion stiffnessInter…
All topics are prefixed with 'nao_robot' or 'pepper_robot' depending on which robot is launched. This can be done via ros namespaces or boost program options in case of qibuild