When I launch
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run coco_detector coco_detector_node
and on another terminal
source install/setup.bash
ros2 topic echo /detected_objects
I get nothing on th…
Hello dear author, I would like to ask what is the cause of [go2_driver_node-4] INFO:scripts.webrtc_driver:Connection state is closed? Hope to get your reply, thank you
go2rtc has a pid but is not responding on port 11984 (or 1984) and what I think is it's config file only shows 1 camera. How can I restart it, and will it then get the cameras from config/go2rtc.yaml…
Dear author, I'm sorry to bother you again, and thank you very much for your help before. When I ran it, it showed that I could not find the unitree_api package, I would like to ask the author if you …
# 先睹为快,Go2 Error 的挣扎之路
Hello! This is a wonderful work! It is unthinkable to use a quadrupedal robot body for such a complex multi-touch task. And I'm working to transfer this work to Unitree Go2. I've never found a suitabl…
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
WARNING: Package name "aliengoZ1_description" does not follow the naming conventions. It should start with a lower case letter and only contain lowe…
I am an engineer with access to an a1 robot, and experience in RL, so I thought I'd try to apply your impressive parkour package. After having no issues with installation process (I hade to …
1. Submit the form (405 Method Not Allowed)
2. URL encryption (please refer to CGIProxy and GO2)
3. Login and Cookie (please refer to CGIProxy and GO2)
4. Multi-mirror load (please refer to GO2…