I have some questions regarding the following fields in each of the grasp files:
/grasps/qualities/flex/object_in_gripper Dataset {2000}
Thank you for your excellent work!
I would like to generate some physically feasible grasps for our own objects. Could you give some hints for the implementation based on Nvidia Flex? Thank yo…
I have an issue with the scene generation. Everything seems to work fine, except the valid grasps are not displayed when generating a scene(--show_grasps is set). I am working with Ubuntu 20.04…
Hi, I was able to run gpd without ros using eigen_params.cfg and krylon point cloud.
Then I tried the gpd_ros. The installation went ok except some warnings regarding the libpcl version. I guess it i…
when I ues the OpenVINO, the lauch file like behind:
I got the Error like this:
ERROR: Canno…
If I remember well, we disabled the attached collision object feature for planning post grasps and the rest of motions after grasps. It has to be enabled for correctness.
@hamalMarino can you describ…
Hello, when I try to run catkin build in my workspace I get the following error. (I'm using Ubuntu 16.04)
Your works look very impressive!However, from the test samples, the objects were all in a dispersed state of placement.Is the method you proposed suitable for objects with stacking and occlusion?
If [edge_start](https://github.com/Victorlouisdg/linen/blob/main/linen/linen/grasping/edge_grasps.py#L65) is a numpy array of a datatype with no floating point precision (uint, int etc), subtracting a…
Followed hydro-devel instructions.
1. Already had a catkin workspace
2. Already had installed Rethink Baxter SDK 1.0
3. Ran `wstool merge --merge-replace -y https://raw.github.com/davetcoleman/baxter_…