The following template is for Issue/Bug reporting only. https://docs.qgroundcontrol.com/en/support/support.html#github-issues
For questions about how to use or build QGC see: http://qgroundcontrol.…
I am trying to write a test to read a PX4 messages. Im running PX$ in SITL with Gazebo and the MicroXRCEAgent. I can see the topic "/fmu/out/vehicle_gps_position" and echo the data. When I run the …
I am using OSX(v12.6.6 Monterey) to run the simulations. It works well until the home-brew auto upgraded some of the formulas. How can I fix the issues?
The errors:
PX4-Autopilot % make px4_sit…
V případě, že neproběhne celý start, je potřeba vírník uzemnit. Aby nemohlo dojít k nějakým nenadálým a neošetřeným problémům. Lockdown způsobí, že autopilot je potřeba zrestartovat pro provedení star…
mengchaoheng@mengchaohengdeMacBook-Pro PX4-Autopilot % make px4_sitl gazebo
-- PX4 version: v1.13.0-alpha1-4371-gc2c455be0d
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/local/bin/pytho…
Following the tutorials on https://docs.px4.io/main/en/dev_setup/building_px4.html I am using Ubuntu 18.04 VM and trying to do a basic install and when i put the command `make px4_fmu-v5_default` am g…
When I try to run the simulation with the commands provided in the Readme file, I get this error (screensho…
Dear sir:
I have the problem of running the gazebo:
~/PX4-Autopilot$ PX4_SYS_AUTOSTART=4002 PX4_GZ_MODEL_POSE="268.08,-128.22,3.86,0.00,0,-0.7" PX4_GZ_MODEL=x500_depth ./build/px4_sitl_default/bin/p…
Hi, first of all - thanks a lot for your astonishing work!
I have a question - what should I change to be able to control a rover?
## Expected Behavior
When the QGroundControl app is running but is minimized, it stops sending manual control setpoints from the on screen virtual joystick, and PX4 starts spamming errors as a result…