Hello, I'm running reverse dependency checks on **matrixStats** and get errors on `STAR` not being found when your vignettes are checked (see below).
Would you update the `SystemRequirements:` to m…
I am getting a strange error message, when I try to run SpiecEasi:
`spiec.easi(phylo, method='mb', lambda.min.ratio=1e-2, nlambda=20, pulsar.params=list(rep.num=50))`
`Applying data transfor…
hi, here is the codes and results:
Bonjour ;)
DreamRs/sqlquery could be helpful but it doesn't work with RODBC.
I'm not sure where the problem is and maybe you can help finding the root of it.
When using OUTRIDER on a CentOS 7.7 machine `MulticoreParam` works perfectly. But on Ubuntu it stucks after the firs…
I am running the basic codes for Elastic principal graph construction as showed in: https://rdrr.io/github/Albluca/ElPiGraph.R/f/guides/trim.Rmd
TreeEPG sessionInfo()
R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)…
I was following the example from the quickstart and got the following error:
>plot(carp_fit, type = "dynamic_path")
nframes and fps adjusted to match transition
geom_path: Each group consi…
This only seems to an issue when I try to install MOFA2 within a Docker container (using my local Rstudio installation works fine). Though the Docker container has Bioc v3.16 (devel), whereas my local…
Issues to do with dating pots from the Beazley for pot experts.
Here is our proposal for a CTV on Archaeological Science. We have organised the proposal into the sections requested in the instructions (scope, packages, overlap, maintainers):