Recently, I have encountered an issue that Peptideshaker got stuck at "Validating identifications at 1% FDR" step when trying to process the files from SearchGUI. The report was attached below.…
InterProScan-5.46-81.0 caused `ERROR - Command line failed with exit code: 25`
21/08/2020 00:51:34:759 Welcome to InterProScan-5.46-81.0
21/08/2020 00:51:34:763 Running InterProScan v5 …
I am getting following error after downloading TransDecoder v5.5 and running command "make test". I couldn't figure out what is causing the issue. Could you take a look at it when you have a mo…
I am receiving the error below:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/aselvey/miniconda3/envs/eggnog/bin/emapper.py", line 1213, in
File "/home/aselvey…
Could blastn be added as source or is the relational system aminoacid coordinate based and refusing cDNA coordinate information?
It may be useful since my data is from ONT and probably a lot of ORF…
Hi there!
Thanks for all the hard work and documentation!
I might be just confusing myself somehow or overlooking something, but it seems that here on the quick start page (https://eukulele.read…
Hi Luca,
I'm getting this error during `Mikado serialise`, I don't know what it means , but afterwards `mikado pick` works and I have all the output:
I made a gene model with BRAKER and would like to add gene names using blast2genomegff.py.
I, however, have had two types of error, which depends on file format (gtf or gff3).
If I used gtf, …
I am trying to use eggnog mapper to annotate my transcriptome data but the output annotation and orthology files are empty (only have default output, column names, etc.). I tried the following…
Hello again !
I would like to make sure I am not doing anything wrong with my analysis so if I could have some advices from you, that would be very kind. We have RNA-seq data from chick embryo and …