Windows 10 64-Bit, Radeon Pro Duo, GTX 980, 5820k, 32gb ram
* Blender version: 2.79
* LuxCore version: 2.0 Alpha 7
File "C:\Users\thisismyusername\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blende…
git: ac5e7133230e12c5019cba2a8ca21788e6b1852b
OS: Windows x64
Perl: Citrus Perl 5.14.2 x64 - WxWidgets 2.9.3
Alt Perl: Citrus Perl 5.14.2 x86 - WxWidgets 2.9.3
Alt Perl 2: Citrus Perl 5.16.3 x86 - W…
the code in function dtNavMeshQuery::findRandomPoint :
// Randomly pick one tile. Assume that all tiles cover roughly the same area.
const dtMeshTile* tile = 0;
float tsum = 0.0f;
for …
Could we get upload to importer non grayed out? that'll allow to fine tune the lodgroup regions and fuse them back in the asset
Model extracted from Animal Crossing New Leaf.
Model looks fine in SPICA but when e…
Hi, very cool and useful project, I am integrating it into my 3d modeling software.
I found maybe a bug when I am testing. it crashes on this assert sometimes,
Firstly, nice work as for the first release.
While others are talking about Simplygon and InstaLOD, I noticed that there is also provided here the Simulated Mesh Simplifier. This one, different fro…
I posted this question on stackoverflow a few days ago and didn't get any replies in regards to Three.js so I am going to assume that this feature isn't implemented yet.
in hierarchy added a lodgroup with 3 lods to a cliff
reimported the cliff asset
in hierarchy added another lodgroup with 3 lods to a house
reimported the house
now simplygon keeps spawning jobs
My name is **Vikas Thamizharasan** and I have been selected to work with ViSP on this project.
Here is a link to my [Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1duq67mYs2-62eQLmg_OPNgahRIaNFD…