Command: `python demo_gripper_selection.py`
/Users/yukez/Research/anaconda2/envs/robosuite/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gym/logger.py:30: UserWarning: WARN: gym.spaces.Box autodetected dtyp…
Ran into the following error when using v1 branch using IK controller. Run on Ubuntu 18.04
URDF file '/h/jordan/robosuite/robosuite/models/assets/bullet_data/Sawyer_description/urdf/Sawyer_arm.urdf…
Commit 47bf286 has some parts in it which causes some weird rotary behaviour for Franka Panda with Lift and IK_Pose controller. I haven't tested other combinations, it might be present in there as wel…
I am a PhD student working in the robotic imitation learning area.
Recently I am trying to run the script "playback_demonstrations_from_hdf5.py" to reply the human's demonstration from Robo…
Thanks again for the repo, it has been really helpful! :)
Could you please provide some information on how did you decide on the velocity actuator gains for the sawyer, as well as the con…
Hi @keiohta , thanks for sharing such a great project!
I'm wondering if I want to set observation to be image-based using tf2rl, do you have any advice?
Thank you for your amazing work.
After reading the related paper and looking at the repo, I have two questions about adding new robots:
1) If I want to add a new robot to use within the envi…
Robosuite is an amazing open-source code that helps the researchers a lot to benchmark their algorithms. I really appreciate your effort and kindness to share this source code. Could you share the rea…
I use anaconda version on Ubuntu 18.04.
I installed conda version with slightly changed requirements.txt:
instead of :
I want to integrate robosuite with Kinova's Jaco2 (j2n6s300) robot arm model.
Are there tutorials or guidelines for this?
Thank you.