Previous log #79
## Bug report
**Required Info:**
- Operating System: Ubuntu 24.04
- Installation type: Both
- Version or commit hash: iron latest
- DDS implementation: default
- Client library (if applica…
| Required Info | |
|---------------------------------|------------------------------------------- |
| Camera M…
### Package name
### Package homepage
### Description
The Robot Operating System, is a meta operating sy…
How do the maintainers feel about a port to ROS2?
I would be willing to participate.
in the Readme it states that _"it will not work with older versions such as galactic or humble of the flexbe_behavior_engine"_.
Are there any plans for a humble version in the future?
### Affected ROS2 Driver version(s)
### Used ROS distribution.
### Which combination of platform is the ROS driver running on.
Ubuntu Linux with realtime patch
### How is the UR ROS2 D…
## Bug report
**Required Info:**
- Operating System:
Ubuntu 20.04.4
- Installation type:
- Version or commit hash:
- DDS implementation:
- Client library (if ap…
mr337 updated
3 months ago
I just bumped into issue #41 which seems nicely solved in the [repo already](https://github.com/ros-visualization/rqt_robot_monitor/pull/43).
Unfortunately, there hasn't been a new release and thus t…
It would be nice if multiple drivers can be launched in a composable node together with `ros2_socketcan` for example.
Only changes required are these: https://docs.ros.org/en/iron/Tutorials/Interme…