How could an enemy build a city next to one of my cities' mine and grab it? I could swear it's impossible for me to do so with my settlers...
Anyhoo here's the game data in case it's a bug; …
The previous AUV from 2017(Nautilus) had two motor controllers for controlling the six motors present on the submarine and a controller for the two motor controllers. This year the submarine will have…
Some of my KallistiOS programs, that I have tested on real Dreamcast hardware, fail to render anything in the reicast emulator. Attached is an example CDI of a program that does this. The functions th…
- Question
This may be a fairly basic question (apologies in advance) but i need to run an 'rsync' from a remote server to my local PHP container ....
Link name: D. Manalang and J. R. Delaney, "Axial seamount - restless, wired and occupied: A conceptual overview of resident AUV operations and technologies," OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, Monterey, C…
Gazebo plugins
usv_gazebo_plugins: unmanned Surface Vehicle plugins for Gazebo simulation
After getting rexrov to follow waypoints im trying to do the same with eca_a9. I launch a world just fine, but when i try to spawn my rover with ``roslaunch eca_a9_gazebo start_demo_teleop.launch joy_…
We should move the odom_tf_bc_node to auv launch file so that we do not need to use the auv_scenarios launch file in this package every time we start an auv. This enables us to launch one world and on…
If I replace the markers urls in the CSS with data-image (to embed the css in a dll), then leaflet stops working because it gets paths from the styles-url and appends file-names.
This is conception…