**Describe the bug**
I was trying to detect an object with custom trained yolo weights.
I trained weight using https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet on PC with GPU without any problem.
For this, I…
I am looking to run darknet_ros using multiple camera topic sources as inputs to yolo, with the outputs being distinguishable based on the specific camera source. For example, I would hope to have the…
I am having trouble understanding the rates reported by 'rostopic hz':
rostopic hz /raspicam_node/image/compressed
subscribed to [/raspicam_node/image/compressed]
average rate: 0.622
min: …
i am running this node on my Jetson TX2. After some seconds i get this crash error:
> *** Error in `/home/nvidia/catkin_ws/devel/lib/darknet_ros/darknet_ros': malloc(): memory corruption: 0…
BRNKR updated
5 years ago
Hi, I try to use yolov3 in ros_melodic and get the following error:
[100%] Linking CXX executable /home/miguel/tiago_nuevo/devel/lib/darknet_ros/darknet_ros
Dear @fgonzalezr1998,
while i try compiling you package the above error occurs and i dont find any solutions for this problem. Maybe i overlook something.
Im using a turtlebot3 with a jetson nano …
Hello everyone,
I would like to add YOLO feature to Unitree Go1.
I'm quite new to ROS and Unitree but I'm trying to understand where and how to put https://github.com/leggedrobotics/darknet_ros in G…
I try to write a node to receive and show data of Bounding Box like below.
#include "ros/ros.h"
using namespace std;
void msgCallback(const darknet_ros_msgs::BoundingBoxes::C…
hello i am a colleage student in korea
thank you for your code
i want use yolo v4 -tiny because i want to improve fps
So, I downloaded the file 'yolov4-tiny.weights'.
I modified the file in …