This package was released into Foxy in https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/pull/30943
However, the release repository that was used is no longer available: https://github.com/artofnothingness/mppic-r…
Dear developers,
I tried to run the example 'gym_pendulum_approximate.py'. The solver did not manage to control the pendulum to the upright position as planned. The file was not modified at all. I …
Dear authors,
Awesome work with the MPOPIS framework as open source.
I was wondering about the following
1. Is there any plans on making MPOPIS compatible with ROS 2 by making a C++/python pack…
I would like to run your `nav2_mppi_controller` but I'm having problems on it.
Once I downloaded your navigation2 repository, I tried to modify the file `nav2_params.yaml` as indicated in the…
Basically, if we end up relying on the F1TENTH gym for our experiments, then we have to know what the ACTUAL VEHICLE MODEL IS that is being used to simulate the vehicle's motion.
In the gym environme…
**Summary of Meeting**
1. If we want to implement better threading (without multiple processes), Drake's MonteCarlo code that Calder implemented should be informative.
2. We need to compare irs_lqr…
- upload docker image on dockerhub
- make shortcut of `rocker run ...` command and launch docker environment with one command
Awesome work!! Would love to use these packages for model-based control, is there functionality for [derivatives](http://www.mujoco.org/book/programming.html#saDerivative) implemented anywhere in the …
`Use of uninitialized value $word in pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/PPI/Tokenizer.pm line 836.`
This is from running perlcritic; if you're unable to reproduce this I can whittl…
Hi @msardonini , I try to make your implementation work, but I face following issue when runnig `./run_docker.sh`:
Building x86_64.spdlog.humble.nav2.flystereo.user base as image: isaac_ros_de…