Contribution guide can be found [here](https://github.com/Ensembl/ensembl/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
It seems that timeflux_hackeeg requires gnureadline, which is not available in Windows OS. Maybe pyreadline3 would be a solution.
Is there any workaround?
Collecting timeflux_hackeeg
Hello, perhaps an obvious question, but I wanted to verify.
Is the included file "uORF_5UTR_GRCh38_PUBLIC.txt" the same as the "uORF_starts_ends_GRCh38_PUBLIC.txt" mentioned in the documentation?
bwubb updated
1 month ago
I was just wondering how the _make_snpfile.py_ deals with annotations in different transcripts/genes of the same variation. Does the script only take into account only the first instance of the …
I would like to present a test report for this plugin because I found that someone else met the same issue before, but with few clear answer.
The purpose of this plugin is to extract columns from V…
The vep launch command currently uses some non-standard options that can be u…
@ambj god, you are here, I am urgent for your help. no version of vep has the variant_effect_predictor.pl and variant_effect_predictor, what should i do, help, **really very urgent**.
- build mehari transcript DB (ensembl):
- download cdot for ensembl and grch37 / grch38
- download ensembl FASTA for transcripts
- create / fill seqrepo with ENSEMBL FASTAs
- build…
tedil updated
5 months ago
I've put into a separate assets data needed to run germline analysis for Homo sapiens here : ~~https://github.com/apraga/human_genome_assets~~ https://github.com/apraga/germline_analysis_vep
When I use read.maf to read maf file, but almost variants are silent(silent variants/all variants: **16874**/17013).
I am unsure about that is annotation problem or something.
`df = read.ma…