[`.editorconfig` is a file](https://editorconfig.org/) which tells many editors how to set up their auto formatting configurations. See this example in the Yosys repository -> https://github.com/Yosys…
I wanted to make verilator the default verilog simulator for fud, so I set the `stages.verilog.priority` key to 1. This works, but causes a warning saying that the key is unknown. I don't think that t…
module Bi (topEntity) where
import Clash.Prelude
import Clash.Annotations.TH
:: "CLK_50MHZ" ::: Clock System
-> "RESET" ::: Reset System
-> ( "SCL" ::: BiSigna…
verilog file generated(with `:verilog` in clashi) from below source fail to compile with iverilog.
``` haskell
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
module Test where
import Clash.Prelude
### Feature Description
I have some RTL code that passes through the flow in Yosys 0.44. It seems like the Yosys version has been updated to 0.46.
Now floorplanning fails with the following…
I am using the version v0.0-1320-gf88614c on CentOS 7 and I'm having trouble getting the --export_json flag to work.
Most likely I'm using the tool wrong but I created a simple verilog fil…
Do you have a bit-flipping Verilog?Thanks
Replace the jpeg encoder at https://github.com/timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/tree/master/hdl/encoder/vhdl with cfelton's Verilog version at https://github.com/cfelton/test_jpeg
If https://github.…
As far as I see UVE supports VHDL DUT. This is cool, but there are quite a few other half engineers using Verilog/SV for RTL. I am willing to put in effort to make that happen if needed.
嗨作者 还记得我吗 之前跟你反馈verilog 格式化不起作用的
请问这个功能什么时候能加好啊 好期待啊~