Dear @jfukuyama,
I would like to use `adaptiveGPCA` to analyze a marine microbiome data set and explore the environmental drivers of community composition. A similar example but using PCoA can be f…
Thank you for this tool. I get errors when trying to download files from https://regepi.bwh.harvard.edu/circurna/bundle_v1/db/nt - for example:
java -jar COMPSRA.jar -tk -dr -ck blast_bact…
### Summary
Taking the build from #277
Build out the Microbiome which should just include this build. …
The impact of breastfeeding on the preterm infant’s microbiome and metabolome: a pilot study – Keriann Schulkers Escalante – Pediatric Research
I am having issues integrating decontam into Qiime2 as well as installing in R. When integrating into Qiime2, I am getting an error after running the command "qiime dev refresh-cache." I have…
Dear Administrator,
I have tried to download the viral mock community (BioProject PRJNA431646) referenced in the VirMap paper. However, to the best of my knowledge it does not seems to be online (e…
I need help in arranging my samples based on their abundance (highest to lowest). I followed this script:
We have to think about basic principles of functions.
1. Less functions is better --> remove aliases, combine similar functions
2. Utilize capabilities of `TreeSE` more --> return `TreeSE` if poss…
It would be helpful for our use case to have a list of the groups and subgroups of the bib-entries in the menu in the left side frame of the bibtexbrowser similar to jabref (see pic below).
I'm hoping this recipe will be a hit with the balsamic sauce + veggies