I've written a basic MJCF parser and am opening this issue to document my PR strategy and progress. Reviewers will want to use the MuJoCo documentation, especially the XML scheme [here](https://mujoc…
I am trying to use pinocchio within a ROS package. When running `catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps package_name` I get the following error:
Base path: /home/bolun/catkin_ws
Source space…
It will be better with some basic TypeScript support. I've written a simple `.d.ts` for this package:
declare module "markdown-it-multimd-table" {
import type { MarkdownIt } from "markdow…
While testing #8938 in the 1.19.2 release, I found that running `Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.PlanarLoops_analytic` generates broken C code:
PlanarLoops_analytic_02nls.c:50:47: er…
`KanesMethod` uses and [`LUsolve` ](https://github.com/sympy/sympy/blob/4fb6b42dd0941f05178aa570edf9ef61162ce960/sympy/physics/mechanics/kane.py#L252) to solve the velocity constraints. While this mat…
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but in debugging some code, I narrowed down my problem to this...
According to the documentation (and code) `BallRpyJoint` is using space x-y-z (aka roll pitch yaw) …
In the last bullet point of Section 5.3.2:
> If the class does not satisfy the requirements for a package, the lookup is restricted to encapsulated elements only.
What is meant by package requi…
Generalized Active Forces
Below eq(132)
_2. has contributions from all particles except if **𝑁**𝑣¯𝑃𝑖⊥𝑅_
I think, a typo: The N should be an A, as A is the reference frame given.
(𝑙𝑢1𝐚̂𝐱, 𝑙𝑢1…
### Description
When exportin a FMU for Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Systems.RobotR3.FullRobot in OMEdit I'm getting scripting and translation errors.
Doing "the same" with a mos script …
Combining the friction requires the friction_coefs of the two bodies in contact.
Since contacts are computed between geometries, I suggest a `friction` property should be added to the `Geometry` clas…