**Original report ([archived issue](https://osrf-migration.github.io/gazebo-gh-pages/#!/osrf/gazebo/issues/1131)) by Andrew Hundt (Bitbucket: [ahundt](https://bitbucket.org/%7B1e508588-c010-4693-87e5-…
Hi @Kazadhum
I implemented core new features to the Rigel framework that will, among other things, support your work (Rigel now supports concurrent execution of multiple plugins and decouples intr…
I'm running typhoon_h480 or plane_cam from the Gazebo simulator and running the MavSDK camera.py.
The camera class will result in an error.
You can shoot with the camera from QGroundControl.
Is it …
Hi, @MingshanHe
When I catkin_make, an error came out. I do not know if it is my ROS problem or?
"In file included from /home/walter/catkin_ws/src/Compliant-Control-and-Application/control_st…
When I tried the docker build command, Colcon build is throwing an error! This is what the terminal is showing. Please suggest what can be done!
> => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfil…
Ubuntu 20.04, Ignition Garden (Source)
Hi I am attempting to add the DVL sensor to an ROV sdf. I've compiled the lrauv_ignition_plugins, added the plugin tag to my world file, and added the sensor …
The GUI currently relies on the `SceneBroadcaster` system relaying the ECM state to stay in sync with the server. This operation is very costly, in fact, state broadcasting is one of the main performa…
Hello everyone,
I contacted Rory Aronson some time ago about the potential creation of a simulator for the farmbot. I take advantage of the coronavirus to find some free time at last.
First, I …
I don't know how to use mavros2 and want to get some tutorials like "how to connect/arm/land/takeoff/mission/offboard".
Currently in PX4 gazebo simulation
**(1) ros2 run mavros mavros_node --ros-a…
The plugin seems to work pretty well but I was checking what happened, when the gripper opens while in motion. It seems that the gripped object's velocity is reset and falls straight down by gravity.