Hello Ryohei
Do we need IMU data which has orientation in it or does your algorithm fuse the angular velocaity and linear acceleration from the raw IMU data? I am asking this because my IMU does not…
An error occured when I buid the LeGO-LOAM on ubuntu 20.04. The error info is shown below.
`/usr/include/pcl-1.10/pcl/filters/voxel_grid.h: In member function ‘std::vector pcl::VoxelGrid::getNeighbor…
使用如下参数,运行时候,SC-PGO 输出的 laser_odom_path 数据是错误的。好奇 为什么不直接使用 fast_lio 输出的 里程计数据
Hello, the second variable of function
void loopFindNearKeyframesCloud( pcl::PointCloud::Ptr& nearKeyframes, const int& key, const int& submap_size, const int& root_idx) in LaserPosegraphOptimizati…
您好,根据您的论文,后段回环融合是对于每一对输入帧,提取出视觉ORB特征和激光Iris特征,然后根据这两个方法并行的提取匹配对, 一旦成功提取一个候选者,就执行几何一致性验证,然后通过Teasr获取匹配对的位姿,并且通过V-GICP优化, 比较好奇这部分代码的具体实现。
The work is excellent.But I have a problem,How to obtain a priori point cloud map?If used the LOAM to build prior point cloud map,it's not accurate.
Hi, thanks for your excellent contribution!
When I learned your code, I wondered if line 433 in laserPosegraphOptimization.cpp(mentioned below) works well as it's supposed to be. In my opinion, we …
Hi, thank you for sharing this code, I find it very useful to understand the original paper.
Do you know the author opened their code? https://github.com/GhiXu/ACMM
And he also opened ACMP, he said …
There are a few cases like in the [MENDEL](https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/sde/?series=mendel) OSD, where a spurious horizon is detected in the first line of the TYPICAL PEDON section.
> …
Hi, first of all thank you for publishing your software :-)
My running configuration is a fresh ubuntu 20.04 virtual machine in which I've installed only the requirements. I'm trying to use liodom …