in PluginFactory.h
using nvinfer1::plugin::createPReLUPlugin;
however,in tensorrt7 header file NvinferPlugin.h,there is no createPReLUPlugin at all.
- 목표: 모델 학습을 위한 데이터셋 준비 및 테스트 데이터셋으로 점수 측정
- 결과물 (구체적): 현재 30 GB 단위 데이터 -> KITTI dataset 500MB ~ 1GB 데이터 추리기
- due date: 3월 5일 (목요일)
- 리뷰어: preprossor 담당(덕호님, 유라님)
![2020-01-09 02-05-10屏幕截图](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30494626/72003546-93810700-3284-11ea-999b-404933cba95d.png)
285 // Lidar labels (laser_labels) projected to camera images. A projected
286 // label is the smallest image axis aligned rectangle that can cover all
287 // projected points from the …
Hi @aaguiar96 ,
This issue is just to collect the ideas of what we can do better in the next bag file.
1. longer time (4 or 5 mins)
2. record also joint_states (input for the robot_state_pub…
Hi, I see in the waymo dataset website's Data Lidar, it says Range of the mid-range lidar truncated to a maximum of 75 meters, but in paper Scalability in Perception for Autonomous Driving: An Open Da…
Currently, the ImageDataGenerator.fit() and ImageDataGenerator.flow() implementations require assert that the number of channels is either 1 or 3. Some datasets use images with a different number of c…
I try inference directly from points without any import of datasets. While still got some trouble (can not tell is the network goes wrong result or the visualization problem).
Situation is, here is…
Hello!The simulation test is running without any error, But unity has been stuck in the loading screen,I can't get into the scene. What is the reason for this?
The only available message is "Failed…
@YangZhang4065 @edwardzhou130 Thanks for open sourcing the work , its of great work . I am having few queries
Q1. You have tested on the semattic kitti dataset , how will the output differ when we r…