Hello, I am trying to connect A1 to ROS (Noetic) (and I also want to simulate A1 in Gazebo later). I've done the following:
I downloaded [unitree_legged_sdk](https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unit…
I tried the SDK version 3.3 and 3.3.1 in order to command with high level commands and receive the respective high state for the AlienGo robot, but with both SDKs, and all the examples I tried …
I would like to ask if it is possible to obtain the data from the SDK at a higher frequency than the 500Hz which is at the moment? And if yes if this would add computational burden or not?
What is the best return form of the imu function, for Wolf_controller ?
- a simple list of 10 floats, with only 2 brackets ?
like imu = {var1, var2, var3........var10}
Well, after many tests, with calls on id = 99 :
command : `/home/ylo2/catkin_ws/devel/lib/wolf_ylo2_interface/ylo2_moteus_node 99`
MoteusInterfaceMotorsMap interface_motors_map = {
Ciao Gennaro,
I was planning to attempt to test the WOLF controller (tomorrow/this week) with the AlienGo we have in the lab :).
I will have to write the node that publishes the **joint_states**…
您好,我购买了aliengo,使用手柄可以正常操作,而进入机载minpc里运行里面的unitree_legged_sdk的example,例如sudo ./example_walk_aliengo,能正常打印出信息无报错,但狗子并没有任何动作~请问是哪里有问题呢?
Hi @TrivasZhang @Zhaiweiwei0 @ZKBian,
In order to publish the TF tree of the robot I would have to need access to the joint states information of the robot (i.e. the motor state information).
Hello the team, i made the ylo2 package, copying your aliengo_description one
robot is ok under rviz (sizes, rotations, inertia)
Don't see any errors in terminal : https://pastebin.com/SzhDDbvU