Seems like a few options for genome.
Full (scaffolds and contigs) - filename: `PGA_assembly.fasta`
Full - filtered (scaffolds and contigs): `PGA_assembly.fasta.filtered.renamed.fa`?
I want to generated 100 whole genome sequences alignment using Cactus 2.1.1 version. To parallelize processing, I want to align these genomes from a lot of subtrees to generated subtree hal f…
i'm trying to use your package, but the conversion ArchR2Signac does'nt work.
The error message is : Erreur dans CreateFragmentObject(path = fpath, cells = cells, verbose = FALSE, :
Winnomap is built on top of minimap2 to ensure proper mapping of sequences in repetitive regions. Some species have a lot of repetitive regions and Winnomap outperforms minimap2 in these regions while…
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Good afternoon,
I am attempting to use cactus to align a series of genomes. My install works perfectly on the included sample data, but when I try it on my data it fails with the error message
Linux AWS server (EC2 instance)
canu 2.2
`./canu -p 011_full -d 01_canu genomeSize=12m -trimmed -stopOnLowCoverage=0.001 -nanopore /home/ec2-user/01_full…
I am trying to align queries that sometimes have large gaps (e.g., several hundred nucleotides) relative to the target. These are not due to splicing, they're due to deletions in the query relative to…
I was wondering if makes any sense to run GARD on non-overlapping sliding windows of whole genome alignment. The alignment includes very closely related species and less related ones.
Never …
I have obtained hundreds of promising NCLDV genomes from the Lake Cadagno metagenomics dataset. However, I am struggling in assigning taxonomy to them. There are missing names in the "spreadsheet of …