Any part of a script that generates ".sh" files to queue them with sbatch after generating some data neccesary to run these ".sh" files could include generating said data into the ".sh" files themselv…
When running a single-end Illumina fastq file, I get the following error message:
Error occurs when running "builder build" for k = 21; please refer to DBG_MG/M7_assembled/log for detail [Exit cod…
Hi Mitchell,
the below way of constructing the `qsub` call is not compatible with PBS Pro, which only supports the non-default values `oe` and `eo` for merging stdout/stderr (`-j`):
Using tag `cime6.0.15`.
It looks like nothing is getting passed to the `qsub -m` flag, when it should be `qsub -m "n"`:
Submitting job script qsub -q share -l walltime=06:00:00 -A P93300641…
I think I've initially posted in the wrong repo. Please see https://github.com/snakemake/snakemake/issues/2802#issuecomment-2049297585
Especially as `--executor none` works fine, but my profile usi…
Starting with setup in #1, I did this:
pip install 'ibis-framework[duckdb]'
I tried to build and run CMAQ- using parallel io, and encountered runtime MPI errors, e.g., Invalid communicator, error stack
So I wonder what is the wrong through my st…
I would like to add a new PBS argument to my CESM job submission scripts. However, when I use `./xmlchange` to add a new argument to `BATCH_COMMAND_FLAGS`, it seems to ignore the other PBS ba…
I am trying to run canu on linux and it ends very quickly ("lickety-split"). I want to assemble a 60m sized genome.
This is my command:
#PBS -q huchond
#PBS -o out_canu_HSA2_DN…