Said I have a road segment and have grass segment, I don't want a road and a grass tile on the "tile". Would be nice if there was a toggle or something similar that would delete the node of the overri…
**Part 0: Data types and utilities**
- LngLat
- MercatorMeters
- TileAddress
- TileData
- Coordinate transforms
**Part 1: Data sources**
- Asynchronous file/http requests
- Vector til…
Example: Trafalgar Square ( `tiles.setLatLonToYUp(51.507500 * MathUtils.DEG2RAD, -0.128100 * MathUtils.DEG2RAD);` )
- In `3DTilesRendererJS` elevation seems to be roughly at ~ 55 meters.
We often want to display fields of arrows to represent winds or ocean currents at each observed or model grid location. For example, this is a snapshot in time of predicted tidal currents from a tri…
## 🧰 Task
A little background on the text: the text that I am initially adding here was developed for an internal process from Dec 2022 - Feb 2023, but is being shared out to make the effort 100% p…
Part 1: Core: A) Bounding Volume Hierarchy; B) Spatial filtering; C) Tile-Coordinates Access
Part 2: Tiling additional dimensions ?
## 我遇到的问题
## 我遇到的问题截图
我刚刚上手学习MAPBOX,准备做深一步学习,想做个3D 的车辆卫星定位系统,请问下MAPBOX能实现车辆(约几百台)根据实时卫星定位数据在建好的3D地图上显示动态运行情况吗?需要借助其他什么工具?
## 该问题的类别
Web, 数据可视化, 地图设计
We're currently in the process of building a [Flutter](https://flutter.dev/) package that enables everybody to use 3D Tiles in their Flutter projects: https://github.com/odd-io/cesium_3d_native
In some highrise urban areas, notably in Asia as far as I noticed (Singapore, Manila, Bangkok), the elevation data seems to occasionally get affected by the highrise buildings in the area as bulges in…
### Tested versions
Reproducible in 4.1.1 and 4.2.1
### System information
Godot v4.2.1.stable - Windows 10.0.22621 - Vulkan (Forward+) - dedicated NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 (NVIDIA; - …