I am new to using Github codes to run the pangenome analysis. I am using more than 50 genomes to do this and some of the genomes are from JGI and hence I have .gff and .fna files. Most of my geno…
Hi all, I'm noticing a performance problem with hmmscan run on some simple bacterial genomic protein sets. With one thread it does fine. But even when given independent processes on independent thread…
I think I must be doing something wrong.
I created a meryl db using the paired reads from an Illumina run and then ran Merqury as described and I'm getting a quality value of +inf. Do you have any …
This has been commented on in several lineage requests, but probably deserves its own issue.
From footnote to Table 13 of https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/…
I pulled the latest docker image, but am struggling with the Documentation. What I am trying to do is create a Metagenomics sample of multiple genomes, with a mixed abundance. The genomes thems…
I am getting started with using NPLinker (using the docker image) so after completing the 'tutorial' using the example dataset, I tried to load the Crüsemann dataset (MSV000078836) from PoDP. However …
Dear atlas developers/users,
I have generated a gene catalog using atlas. Do you have any guidline how to map back and quantify the proportion of genes (I guess noramlizing by gene length) in the d…
by Anderson Brito
Description: Sub-lineages and new designations within P.1, and some issues related to existing sub-lineages.
Sub-lineage of: P.1
**Proposed lineage name**: P.1.13
Earliest …
I've generate a large HAL file using cactus v1.3.0.
Is there a way to query the HAL archive for specific positions in one genome and get the aligned base or bases in a second genome using py…
Invocation looks like following:
(atlas) animeshs@DMED7596:~/ayu$ atlas run all
[2021-06-19 12:08 INFO] Executing: snakemake --snakefile /home/animeshs/miniconda3/envs/atlas/lib/python3.6/sit…