Discussed here: http://answers.ros.org/question/94536/testing-dwa-local-planner-approaches-goal-stops-keeps-swinging-left-right/#96786
Temporary fix is here:
This appears to be somewhat robot-specific at the momement, with all the fermi prefixes, etc. Are there plans to move this into the main MoveIt! repos and have it part of the full release?
It would be great to port the packages in this repository to ROS2.
The packages have been developed with this in mind, and most of them should be straightforward to adapt to the ROS2 APIs.
The m…
- [x] pr2体内でなくても動かせるようにする => https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_demos/pull/986
- [x] gazebo用のpr2.launchを作る => https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/p…
I have read through you paper on Nanomap and it is really interesting approach. I have managed to pull down docker image provided in the document. However, I am a bit curious on how to integrat…
hello.you are great.but i meet a question as follow:
[ERROR] [1476115203.675887224, 1445.853000000]: Client [/move_group] wants topic /multi_dof_joint_trajectory_action/feedback to have datatype/md5s…
Hi, I have a MIP that it is working via ROS with a BeagleBone BLue (BBBL). I want to install just the simulation part of your packages, but I get an error related with the Robotics Cape Library (rosmi…
I use ubuntu20.04 and ros noetic to run the code,but it doesnot work。
I use the command “catkin_make”. and then it will report the problem :
/usr/bin/ld: warning: libboost_system.so.1.65.1, needed…
is it possible for you to release the solution of the program assignment 7.. I've struggled for a long time..... If you don't want to release the solution, can you please tell me how to make su…
I'm currently working with your Gazebo model to test my controller. To do this, I modified one of your example controllers so that all joints except the first one keep their current angle. T…