Hello everybody,
I'm having issues when running a script for a Neural MPC with the RealTimeL4CasADi library, i don't know if it's a problem that regards only me because I've made mistakes in the code…
What would be the way forward to become able to run an MPC controller on a small microcontroller?
Other packages implement C code generation. Would that be possible, or what could be alternatives?
Idea 1
solver = Solver.ACADOS()
solver.set_integrator_type("IRK", defect_type=DefectType.IMPLICIT)
Idea 2
ode_solver = OdeSolver.IRK(defect_type…
[ 16%] Generating /home/code/car-physics-pacejka/generated/libacados_sim_solver_car.so
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "car_sim_gen/generate_car_sim.py", line 9, in
from car_sim_gen.…
we found a Casadi bug in:
if `python
y.shape = (0,1)`, then the …
This requires to stack the problem in a single phase (that is having the same number of shooting point in each "phase")
Not sure if mentioned before but it would be maybe good to add some **optional** modularity to `acados` core dependencies,i.e. having the possibility to use a library already installed in the system, …
Hi @Tim-Salzmann,
Thanks for the amazing library! I am using L4Casadi to include an MLP network as constraint in an OCP problem with Acados. To have faster computations, usually I solve multiple OC…
Add support for https://github.com/acados/acados
The Matlab / Octave interface overhaul was announced in [this forum post](https://discourse.acados.org/t/matlab-interface-overhaul-to-match-the-python-interface-in-solver-creation/1721), corresponding…