We observed that in the **metrics_summary.xls** file under **04.report**, the cDNA Number of reads is **1,858,750,737**, but in the **anno_decon_sorted.bam** file under the **output** directory, there…
Hope that seqkit can extract transrcipt/cdna/gene/protein sequences from references fasta and gff/gtf file. gffread can do this but it can not handle large chromosomes correctly.
Thanks very much for this tool! Are you planning to add a model for R10 cDNA any time soon? I suspect that it would get a lot of use.
**User story**
As a member of the SSR team, who has received a plate from faculty containing cDNA, I would like to be able to import them into Sequencescape along with all the required data.
Hi Zhenyu,
I noticed in the script S02.umi.process.one.sh, you used minimap2 for mapping to the reference genome and then used salmon for quantification. Additionally, it seems that for the referen…
Web page Reports that the sequence is 2385 bases long
Ensembl API is in…
I am using singularity to run this pipeline.
Unable to download requested sequence data from Ensembl (ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-110/fasta/homo_sapiens/cdna/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa.…
Thank you for sharing your code and data :)
However, I encountered an issue while examining the cDNA data. I noticed that several PDB entries, which provide corresponding MSAs and FASTA files, are n…
Hello, I'm sorry to bother you. May I know how to do transcriptome prediction now that I only have full-length transcriptome data?
I have seen many articles on downstreaming the data and then using …
Can the same pipeline be used for cDNA sequencing as well? I have the fastq reads and the reference genome and transcriptome fasta sequences.
Thank you.