ublock origin chrome
Google Chrome
AdBlock 3.13.0
EasyList + AakList
The two MIME types have clearly defined file extensions.
The library path is specified as `/lib/` at line 64 of `ComicBook.js`.
However, if you have a compiled-only project (i.e. only the contents of `/comicbook/` are on your served path), the pixtastic fi…
templates/cbreader.html line 40 should be:
libPath: "{{ static_url('comicbook/js/') }}",
(needs the trailing / character or the path isn't created properly in comicbook.js.
22350 updated
7 years ago
Independent of the file extensions, this library always returns `application/x-cbr`. This is incorrect, as there are specific MIME types for all the extensions, e.g. `application/x-cbz` or `applicatio…
### Steps to reproduce
I checked whether I could perform a drag-and-drop operation with the file types supported by my application, which is a comic book reader. It appears that two file types are …
There's an obsolete CD/comicbook commercial offer screen in Mortal Kombat 2.
It's possible to disable the screen with dip switches but it'd be nice if it was possible to reuse such a rare vestigial f…
I was thinking about forking the project to attempt to get it to generate a comicbook-ish style art style that I can use to render a scene and stream.
If I have any worthwhile features I will let …