Thanks for this amazing tool and it is the fastest and most convenient tools I have ever used for HLA typing.
We enriched the HLA genes of NA12878 by PCR and sequenced them by PE150, when us…
My script is this:
## import requested modules
from PANDORA import Target
from PANDORA import Pandora
from PANDORA import Database
from PANDORA import Template
#db = Database.load()
Hi @chbe-helix,
I hope this find you well.
When trying to repeat the tutorial HLA typing results with ILMN/NA12892 sample, I got the outputfile named "assembly_graph-hla.NA12892_extracted_1_fq…
I am trying to run "test_whole.sh" with example data "whole".
but it gives the following error at "phase_variants.py" step.
I lack novoalign lic so the script use bowtie2 instead.
Hoping …
After i updata hla database to 3.46, I met an error "err: process_block: block size != refs size" when i use athlates typing function. I try some times and still get this error.
The multiple sequence alignments in the `data` folder are almost 2 years old. Since then, many new alleles have been discovered and recorded in IMGT/HLA and existing alleles have been renamed or impro…
The IMGT/HLA reference from version 3.56.0 onwards provides large files as zip files, as can be read on the [IMGT/HLA github page](https://github.com/ANHIG/IMGTHLA):
```As of Release 3.56.0, …
The command `arcasHLA reference --version` fails for specific versions (it seems like every reference > `3.34.0`).
arcasHLA reference --version 3.35.0 -v
I have been using Docker build of OptiType for my project, and am satisfied by its performance.
One concern is that it always use reference sequence & alleles in /data folder of the Docker im…
Hi Christophe! Thank you for making this tool available.
I have two questions about it: Did you calculate the Grantham distance for the loci that Pierini F & Lenz TL did not analyze (or did not inclu…