I'm beginning to implement autocomplete functionality in an Ember app that searches across a number of models. Has anyone accomplished something similar with `JSONAPI::Resources`? I'm planning to use …
First, thank you for your develop to this simulation. While using the ppo_hover_train.py code, I found that if hummingbird_params is used instead of crazyflie_params, it cannot learn the hover task. I…
Hello members,
I have a single-level MPC controller and trying to control the hummingbird drone. I considered the physical properties of the hummingbird drone from xacro and YAML files and used those…
H I couldn't run the example, x86 ubuntu 18.04 Opencv3.2 melodic
`wire@iwire-UP-CHT01:~$ roslaunch exploration_manager rviz.launch
... logging to /home/iwire/.ros/log/ac29d39a-b68b-11eb-962d-70f11c0…
Just curious if anyone here has thoughts on this.
For more context: [Awkward](https://github.com/scikit-hep/awkward-1.0) is like numpy but for arrays of very arbitrary (dynamic) structure.
I don…
we are [failing to build docs for 2.0.0-beta.5](https://static.swiftinit.org/builds/67528/ssgc.log) on Swiftinit due to the following error:
help me fix issue @tomaarsen , thanks u guys
Somewhat surprisingly, based on SVD on LoTR embedding matrix not yielding obvious results, it looks like there *might* be something to the results from the Lolita linear embedding matrix.
To do:
When using Distributed Tracing with a metadata provider, Hummingbird logs get span and trace ID metadata values automatically. This makes the `hb_id` metadata value a bit superfluous and it adds unnec…
I'm trying to do a distributed training on llama-7b in a VM having two Tesla T4 GPU's using ray with strategy as deepspeed. I'm facing the following error "Could not pickle object as excessively…