ISL team keep adding to the list of videos as their bible is not completed.
Every few months on their request we take the backlog and add them to the list of already added videos by going through thei…
Hello team, here is the list of accession numbers for the sequences that potentially belong to a new lineage descended from A.D.1.5:
Hello team, here is the list of accession numbers for the sequences that potentially belong to a new lineage descended from A.D.3.3.
Hello! Below, I have listed the GISAID Accession IDs of sequences that could potentially belong to the B.D.E.1.2 clade:
EPI_ISL_19498040, EPI_ISL_19498037, EPI_ISL_19498036, EPI_ISL_19498046, EPI_ISL…
JN.1.67.1> C28507T(Orf9b:A75V)
Query: G4162A, C8293T, C28507T
Earliest sequence: 04-22 JFK airport, New York, USA(from Maldives) EPI_ISL_19108798
Latest sequence: 09-22 Ziyang, Sichuan, China EPI…
XDV.1> C25416T> C21928T, G25311T
Query: C21928T, G25311T, C25416T
Earliest sequence: 03-18 Panzhihua, Sichuan, China EPI_ISL_19234586
Latest sequence: 10-12 Queensland, Australia EPI_ISL_19516565…
MC.1> C9857T> C589T> C22480T> G21608T(S:V16F) [Typo edited]
Query: C589T, C9857T, G21608T
Query for dropout sequences: C589T,C9857T,C10125T, -G21608T
Earliest sequence: 09-16 Manitoba, Canada EP…
KP.3.1.1> A5297G(Orf1a:T1678A)> G22599A(S:R346K)
Query: A5297G, C12616T, G22599A
Earliest sequence: 09-11 Friesland, Netherlands EPI_ISL_19483984
Latest sequence: 11-07 Overijssel, Netherlands EP…
KP.3.1.1> G25595T(Orf3a:R68I, Orf3d:E24D)> C4999T> C22120A(S:F186L), C25465T(Orf3a:P25S)> C2062T> C4795T, C8770T, A22353G(S:D264G)
Query: C22120A, C22353, C25465T
Query for S:D264G branch: C22120A, …
KP.3.1.1> G10396A> T22223A(S:S221T)
Query: C7113T, G10396A, T22223A
Earliest sequence: 06-16 Alicante, Valencia, Spain EPI_ISL_19546227
Latest sequence: 10-17 England, United Kingdom EPI_ISL_1955…