Hi! Thanks for the amazing work.
I would like to ask how you trained the MonoDETR on KITTI-360. Did you convert all your frames from KITTI-360 to KITTI? Do you have a script for that?
I am working on multi-sensor fusion and 3d detection algorithms for my master thesis in TUM.
In the normal kitti data-set [kitti data-se:](https://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_obj…
Thank you for your work.
Would it be possible to use the same code for KITTI (Not 360)?
Or is there something else we need to consider?
hello author, how can i get the satellite image of kitti-360? i haven't seen them on their website
Thanks for your work so far! I am interested in adapting NoPe-NeRF to the KITTI-360 dataset and in particular using LiDAR data as an alternative method for depth supervision and establishing sp…
When will the validation and test set be available? Thanks.
Hello @psriram2 , We are working on a model that takes KITTI format for BEV generation. We used your script for converting KITTI-360 to KITTI dataset. With the converted label files, when the BEV gen…
Hi, I would like to ask how to generate labels with segmentation tool. kitti-360 dataset generates labels with mmsegmentation and then the file format is in pgm format is this correct? Thank you for y…
Thank you very much for your work. I am looking for a feature. The interaction range and elevation angle of data (such as point clouds) are limited because there are impurities in the data, and angles…
Thank you for your work on the paper and your code publication. I wish to ask if there is already a pre-trained model for KITTI-360 or a pipeline setup for it. I have been currently working …