I am getting error which says colcon build. It says it can't find tf2_geometry_msgs/tf2_geometry_msgs.h. But it does exist in my system.
The output is
Starting >>> csm
Finished > ros2_laser_…
Hello, I am trying to use the laser scan matcher in Kinetic - Ubuntu 16.04. However, the laser scan matcher node is not running. I believe it is compatibility issue, can you please verify?
Since extrinsic calibration is so painstaking to handle, but also happen needed to be re executed, if robot might hit the wall, get transported , etc. so,
I'm thinking of possible workaro…
I have cloned the repo for ros2.
My ROS2 version; Humble
I am running the node using `ros2 run ros2_laser_scan_matcher laser_scan_matcher`. However, it runs but I am not able to see odom and tf t…
Rak-r updated
8 months ago
I am trying to use laser scan matcher for scan-based localization, on **ROS Indigo**.
However, when laser_scan_matcher starts, I get an error;
**[ERROR] [1521390276.090566633]: Client [/las…
ghost updated
5 years ago
### Using the [laser_scan_matcher](https://github.com/Durant35/laser_scan_matcher) to fake odometry data from LiDAR data
+ laser_scan_matcher becomes useless when there are very few feature points
+ http://wiki.ros.org/laser_scan_matcher
+ “An ICP variant using a point-to-line metric" Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2008
> https://censi.scie…
I was wondering if I could use the CSM to estimate the transform between two robots, both equipped with Lidar, scanning their surroundings (and each other). The starting positions will be unkn…
In the case shown in the image below, I couldn't find a way to make the scan matcher give me a correct relative pose between the two scans (Reference scan shown in red here, lidar scan from the robot …
Hi. everyone. I was building a map of my office with both cartographer and gmapping. We have a 16 channel lidar on top of a robot providing both scan and point cloud data and a single channel lidar mo…