Is it possible to construct the metabolic network diagrams at taxonomic levels other than phylum? Such as order, family etc?
Thank you,
I've performed a couple of runs using METABOLIC-C and I am not convinced that its run properly. I am not certain that the program runs as intended when testing it with "-test true" as a few key figure…
As part of my work in [Elixir Norway](https://elixir.no/), I've developed a small collection of Galaxy modules for running and generating visualizations from genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs…
My data contains 133 MAGs and 7 set of metagenomic reads. All MAGs are classified into 13 microbial phyla/classes according to functional network and metabolic Sankey diagrams.
But I found tha…
Hello, first of all thank you very much for this very useful tool. I'm having a little trouble reprocessing my data. I had 7000+ MAGs, and after executing commands in the form required by the software…
When I use METABOLIC/METABOLIC-C.2nd_run.pl, I get the following error message. File "All_gene_collections_mapped.depth.217pc.txt " and "MW-score_result.txt" are empty. Looking forward to you…
The script addon.py already have functions for preprocessing, normalization, clustering, cell type prediction, gene list for cells/tissues, gene expression per cell types, DEG per tiss…
I am having huge issues while running the iscope. I have a set of models created with m2m recon and then the pgdb files were compiled into a sbml with the function [metage2metabo.sbml_managemen…
Proposed roadmap (from @hariszaf in https://github.com/GeomScale/dingo/pull/18):
- implement approach from [cobra toolbox](https://github.com/opencobra/cobratoolbox/blob/master/src/analysis/multiSpe…
I am encountering some issues while running METABOLIC-C.pl. I used the following command: nohup perl METABOLIC-C.pl -in-gn /home/.../dereplicated_genomes/ -r /home/.../all-merged-1.fastq,/ho…