Hey, I was looking at the code to add some 2D->1D slices extraction, but was wondering about this line
hey, when im playing AoE my build order just keeps skipping over and over.. really quickly until the end
Rotating object does not seem to fit the rotation order of my engine. The Gizmo and mesh end up not matching at all. Is there a particular rotation order that must be followed?
Using the lastest `main` and:
After updating to HH v2.7.3-25-g70115862, I now receive the error:
Option 'sync_multipler_low' is not valid in section 'mmu'
In order to run, I now need to comment out the line in mmu_parameters…
### Describe the bug
`TL;DR` Changing the current -retentionPeriod value may cause earlier deletion of the previous indexDB. It is does not matter whether the new value is longer or shorter.
I'm reading the source code [btGeneric6DofSpring2Constraint.cpp](https://pybullet.org/Bullet/BulletFull/btGeneric6DofSpring2Constraint_8cpp_source.html)
and found suspicious lines about inconsistency…
Thanks for your great job!
I Have a question. For rotation from root joint to leaf joint, the global rotation matrix(for example, the 3th joint) should be get by
R3 = r2\*r1 (1)
esp32 s3
A lot has changed, I was using a very old build. I compiled a fresh one and took the working code from the discussions, but I get an error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bo…
Thanks for publishing this :). I think I found a small mistake: If alpha and th are non-zero, the resulting urdf joint transform is T_urdf = T(a, dy, dz)*R_z(th)*R_x(alpha)*R_z(q) while the mdh transf…