### Prerequisites
1. Be a member of Hack for LA. (There are no fees to join.) If you have not joined yet, please follow the steps on our [Getting Started page](https://www.hackforla.org/getting-start…
Theme: **The impact of Climate Change on society as part of monitoring SDG13**
Review of current literature
### Dependency
- #4183
### Overview
We need to replace the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) images in our repository so that the SDG svgs are the correct color and follow the [United Nations'…
SDG: 13
Suggestion: Consider re-writing the interpretation and/or the documentation for this one.
Reason: Not quite clear what the interpretation means should be covered. We have expa…
SDG: 13
Target: 13.3
Suggestion: Consider the interpretation and the relation between interpretation and search phrase
Reason: A few questions have arisen during testing: 1. Should the natural…
SDG: 13
Target: 3
Action or Topic?: Topic
Feedback: The interpretation limits this to "climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning" etc. But the search string is qui…
SDG: 13
Target & phrase: Several
Suggested term/change: Consider add "agreement", "avtale", "overenskomst" as terms to supply "program", "plan", "governance" etc.
Reason: May sometimes be u…
### Prerequisite
1. Be a member of Hack for LA. (There are no fees to join.) If you have not joined yet, please follow the steps on our [Getting Started page](https://www.hackforla.org/getting-starte…