Hello everyone, I like to ask about KUKA youBot robot. I just started leaning about the basic programming of the robot. Is there any tutorial I can find? For the android apps software which connect Bl…
Hi Mic,
thank you very much for your response! Here again the description of the error (terminal log)
I can run "roslaunch youbot_description youbot_rviz.launch" without mistakes, can also move all t…
Is it possible to use sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pocketsphinx program and convert to youbot robot program ? Any sample of python program for kuka Youbot robot ?
I am attempting to use your youbot simulator package and achieve teleoperation in gazebo. I am still using ROS groovy; we haven't upgraded to ROS hydro since we're attempting to set up a multi-ro…
**Original report ([archived issue](https://osrf-migration.github.io/gazebo-gh-pages/#!/osrf/gazebo/issues/956)) by Nate Koenig (Bitbucket: [Nathan Koenig](https://bitbucket.org/%7Bc862cdd9-fcc8-4419-…
Hi Sven,
I am using ROS Indigo and try to work youbot and have got some issues with youbot-manipulation files.
I followed install instructions in your github page and have got following problems.
if i…
Succesfully build everything, but roslaunching does not work:
~/despot_ws$ roslaunch laser_tag laser_tag.launch R1_noise:=0.5
... logging to /home/mo/.ros/log/085fd8f4-3bd5-11ea-87ff-6cf04971…
Thank you for the plugin! Is there a way to load a .cpp file (based on the youbot API) and simulate that in V-Rep?
With your plugin I can send rostopics to the simulation in V-Rep, and the robot execu…
At the end of the step 1 during `catkin_make` I receive an error about the missing package `keyboard_reader`.
$ catkin_make
Base path: /home/ihar/catkin_ws
Source space: /home/ihar/catkin_w…