AdaRoseCannon / aframe-xr-boilerplate

Get started quickly with VR and AR using AFrame
MIT License
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aframe augmented-reality vr webxr webxr-boilerplate


A boiler plate project for getting started with VR and AR with AFrame

This site tries to demonstrate many of the WebXR features to work with VR or AR.


These are some provided components to aid with the endeavour:


This file provides the ar-cursor component for clicking on objects in AR using any XR input such as tapping on the screen or using an external controller.

Add it to the <a-scene> element along with a raycaster and it will use the raycaster to determine which objects are selected and fire "click" events on them.

<a-scene ar-cursor raycaster="objects: #my-objects *">


This file provides the ar-shadow-helper component which lets a plane track a particular object so that it recieves an optimal amount of shadow from a directional light.

This should have an object which can receive a shadow and works well for augmented reality with the shader:shadow material

It also includes auto-shadow-cam which controls the orthogonal shadow camera of a directional light so that the camera covers the minimal area required to fully light an object.

<a-light id="dirlight" auto-shadow-cam intensity="0.4" light="castShadow:true;type:directional" position="10 10 10"></a-light>

  material="shader:shadow; depthWrite:false; opacity:0.9;"


This file provides utilities for modifying 3D models and how they are displayed.


This provides simple-navmesh-constraint which allows you to constrain an object to another object, if you set the fall property the object won't fall unless the floor underneath it is within that distance.

This component works by comparing the objects position between frames. Ideally this would run after any movement happen but before it is rendered. To enable this you should place this component after any components which move the object such as wasd-controls.

If the object needs to float off the floor (like the camera) then set the height property and it will stay that far from the ground.

 <a-asset-item id="navmesh-glb" src=""></a-asset-item>
<a-gltf-model class="navmesh" src="" visible="false"></a-gltf-model>
<a-camera wasd-controls="acceleration:20;" simple-navmesh-constraint="navmesh:.navmesh;fall:0.5;height:1.65;" look-controls>

If you're using blink-controls and movement-controls components that are using a camera rig, you want to set height:0 and set the camera position instead like this:

  position="-1 0 1"
  <a-entity id="head" camera look-controls position="0 1.65 0"></a-entity>

You can't use wasd-controls if you're using movement-controls. movement-controls includes the keyboard controls that is moving the camera rig position. The blink-controls component is also moving the camera rig position. The wasd-controls component needs to be on the same entity than the look-controls for it to work properly, so that's not compatible with using movement-controls and blink-controls.

The exclude:.navmesh-hole option allows you to have a navmesh that excludes some other geometries, like a plane that has the navmesh-hole class. Here is an example of how it works, with a navmesh from a green plane and exclude of a small red plane:

<a-gltf-model src="" position="-6 0 1">
    rotation="-90 0 0"
    position="0 0.001 0"
  rotation="-90 0 0"