YU-Zhejian / art_modern

A modernized ART for Illumina read simulation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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illumina-sequencing ngs simulation

art_modern: Simulator of Diverse Next-Generation Sequencing Reads


High-performance simulation of realistic next-generation sequencing (NGS) data is a must for various algorithm development and benchmarking tasks. However, most existing simulators are either slow or generates data that does not reflect the real-world error profile of simulators. Here we introduces aer_modern, a modern re-implementation of the popular ART simulator with enhanced performance and functionality. It can be used for anyone who wants to simulate sequencing data for their own research, like benchmarking of DNA- or RNA-Seq alignment algorithms, test whether the RNA-Seq pipeline built by your lab performs well, or perform pressure testing of pipelines on a cluster. This simulator would be best suited for GNU/Linux-based High-End Desktops (HEDTs) with multiple cores and a fast SSD. However, it can also work on Laptops, or high-performance clusters (HPCs) with only one node. We beleive with such simulator, the testing and benchmarking of NGS-related bioinformatics algorithms can be largely accelerated.

Quick Start


Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/YU-Zhejian/art_modern.git
cd art_modern

Ensure you have a C++ compiler that supports C++17 installed on your computer. Also check whether your CMake, GNU Make, Boost C++ Library and HTSLib-dependencies (namely, zlib and pthread) are working.

Build the project using:

mkdir -p opt/build_release
env -C opt/build_release cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release "$(pwd)"
env -C opt/build_release make -j40

The project binary will be available at opr/build_release/art_modern. Now we can test whether the program runs:

opt/build_release/art_modern --help
opt/build_release/art_modern --version # For version information

Simulating WGS Data using E. Coli Genome

Download E. Coli reference genome from NCBI. Here we'll use K12 strand MG1655 substrand as an example.

wget -4 https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCF/000/005/845/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic.fna.gz -O opt/build_release/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic.fna.gz
gunzip opt/build_release/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic.fna.gz

Now we can simulate WGS data using E. Coli reference genome. Let's satrt with single-end sequencing using HiSeq 2500 with 125bp read length and 10X coverage.

opt/build_release/art_modern \
   --mode wgs \
   --lc se \
   --i-file opt/build_release/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic.fna \
   --o-fastq opt/build_release/e_coli_wgs_se.fastq \
   --qual_file_1 data/Illumina_profiles/HiSeq2500L125R1.txt \
   --read_len 125 \
   --parallel 4 \
   --i-fcov 10

The generated FASTQ file will be at opt/build_release/e_coli_wgs_se.fastq.

We may also simulate paired-end data with following configuration:

opt/build_release/art_modern \
   --mode wgs \
   --lc pe \
   --i-file opt/build_release/GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_genomic.fna \
   --o-fastq opt/build_release/e_coli_wgs_pe.fastq \
   --qual_file_1 data/Illumina_profiles/HiSeq2500L125R1.txt \
   --qual_file_2 data/Illumina_profiles/HiSeq2500L125R2.txt \
   --read_len 125 \
   --parallel 4 \
   --i-fcov 10 \
   --pe_frag_dist_mean 300 \
   --pe_frag_dist_std_dev 50

Please note that we have additionally specified quality file for read 2 with the mean and standard deviation of fragment lengths.

Simulating RNA-Seq Data using C. Elegans Transcriptome

Simulating transcriptome is a little bit more complicated since each cDNA molecules have different counts. Strand-specific library technologies also generates RNA-Seq data on one strand only. You're recommended to use YASIM or other high-level simulators to generate expression for each cDNA molecule. You may also easily convert outputs from featureCounts, htseq-count, Salmon, Kalisto or STAR to the format supported by art_modern. The unified coverage model (i.e., like WGS) is also supported.

Please note that cDNAs with insufficient length will be ignored. We also do not support circular RNA simulation.

Unified Coverage

Following example retries the first 1000 transcripts from reference C. Elegans transcriptome from UCSC Genome Browser and performs a simulation using 10X unified coverage. You need to install seqtk to run this example:

curl https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/ce11/bigZips/mrna.fa.gz | \
    gzip -cdf | \
    seqtk sample /dev/stdin 1000 > opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa

opt/build_release/art_modern \
   --mode trans \
   --lc se \
   --i-file opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa \
   --o-fastq opt/build_release/c_elegans_trans_unified_se.fastq \
   --qual_file_1 data/Illumina_profiles/HiSeq2500L125R1.txt \
   --read_len 125 \
   --parallel 4 \
   --i-fcov 10

Unstranded Coverage

To simulate data with unstranded coverage information (i.e., same coverage on both strands), you need to provide an additional TSV file with one column of transcript ID and another column of coverage (in floating points). Please note that lines started by # will be ignored. An example of the coverage file:

NM_069135   6.695683025425357
NR_056112   5.19437291612395
NR_051843   3.4504965075273137
NR_066512   4.73632003156384

The following example generates a coverage file using GNU AWK with random coverage ranged between 0 and 10 assigned to each cDNA molecule.

samtools faidx opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa
awk 'BEGIN{print "#ID\tCOV";}{printf "%s\t%f\n", $1, (rand()*10);}' \
    < opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa.fai \
    > opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa.unstranded_cov.tsv

opt/build_release/art_modern \
   --mode trans \
   --lc se \
   --i-file opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa \
   --o-fastq opt/build_release/c_elegans_trans_unstranded_se.fastq \
   --qual_file_1 data/Illumina_profiles/HiSeq2500L125R1.txt \
   --read_len 125 \
   --parallel 4 \
   --i-fcov opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa.unstranded_cov.tsv

Stranded Coverage

To simulate data with stranded coverage information (i.e., coverage on one strand is different from the other), you need to provide an additional TSV file with one column of transcript ID and two other column of coverage in positive and negative strand (in floating points). An example of the coverage file:

NM_069135   2.3137902802960717  4.381892745129285
NR_056112   3.47140212944225    1.7229707866816995
NR_051843   1.3540475385633155  2.0964489689639985
NR_066512   3.0468993830563917  1.689420648507448

Code example:

awk 'BEGIN{print "#ID\tCOV_POS\tCOV_NEG";}{printf "%s\t%f\t%f\n", $1, (rand()*5), (rand()*5);}' \
    < opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa.fai \
    > opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa.stranded_cov.tsv

opt/build_release/art_modern \
   --mode trans \
   --lc se \
   --i-file opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa \
   --o-fastq opt/build_release/c_elegans_trans_stranded_se.fastq \
   --qual_file_1 data/Illumina_profiles/HiSeq2500L125R1.txt \
   --read_len 125 \
   --parallel 4 \
   --i-fcov opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa.stranded_cov.tsv

The PBSIM3 Template Input Format

The PBSIM3 template input format is a 4-column tab-delimited text file with transcript ID, sequence, and coverage on both strands. This file includes both sequence and coverage, so no additional coverage parameter is required. Similarily, sequences with insufficient length and lines started with # will be ignored. An example of the transcript input file (Sequences represented as aaaa):

NR_056112   3.47140212944225    1.7229707866816995  aaaa
NR_051843   1.3540475385633155  2.0964489689639985  aaaa
NR_066512   3.0468993830563917  1.689420648507448   aaaa
NM_061905   0.9618664937744315  1.3989801728399471  aaaa
NR_054174   3.591258844822635   4.92434801892288    aaaa

The following example converts the FASTA file to the PBSIM3 template input format with the help of seqkit with random coverage generated using GNU AWK.

seqkit fx2tab opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa | \
    awk 'BEGIN{print "#ID\tCOV_POS\tCOV_NEG\tSEQ";}{printf "%s\t%f\t%f\t%s\n", $1, (rand()*5), (rand()*5), $3;}' \
    > opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa.pbsim3_trans.tsv

opt/build_release/art_modern \
   --mode trans \
   --lc se \
   --i-file opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa.pbsim3_trans.tsv \
   --o-fastq opt/build_release/c_elegans_trans_pbsim3_se.fastq \
   --qual_file_1 data/Illumina_profiles/HiSeq2500L125R1.txt \
   --read_len 125 \
   --parallel 4 \
   --i-type pbsim3_template

Template-Based Simulation

Template-based simulation is often used to introduce Illumina-specific errors to cDNA molecules generated from some upstream simulator like CAMPAREE. In this mode, single-end reads will be started from the first base of the template while paired-end/mate-pair reads will span the entire template. The template-based simulation mode also supports PBSIM3 Template format. For example:

opt/build_release/art_modern \
   --mode template \
   --lc pe \
   --i-file opt/build_release/ce11_mrna_1000.fa.pbsim3_trans.tsv \
   --o-fastq opt/build_release/c_elegans_template_pbsim3_se.fastq \
   --qual_file_1 data/Illumina_profiles/HiSeq2500L125R1.txt \
   --qual_file_2 data/Illumina_profiles/HiSeq2500L125R2.txt \
   --read_len 125 \
   --parallel 4 \
   --i-type pbsim3_template

Please note that the mean and standard deviation of fragment length is not specified since in template-based simulation, a template is considered a fragment.

What's Next?

The art_modern project provides diverse documentations to satisfy your needs.


This simulator is based on the works of Weichun Huang et al., under GNU GPL v3 license. The software is originally distributed here with the following reference:

The bundled HTSLib library used MIT License with the following reference: