Reliable and efficient identification of genotypes for individual cells in RNA sequencing. Demuxalot refines its knowledge about genotypes directly from the data.
Demuxalot is fast and optimized to work with lots of genotypes, enabling efficient reutilization of inferred information from the data.
Preprint is available at biorxiv.
During single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRnaSeq) we pool cells from different donors and process them together.
Demuxalot solves the con: it guesses genotype of each cell by matching reads coming from cell against genotypes. This is called demultiplexing.
Demuxalot shows high reliability, data efficiency and speed. Below is a benchmark on PMBC data with 32 donors from preprint
Typical approach to get genotype-specific mutations are
(this package)SNP array provides up to ~650k positions in the genome. Around 20-30% of them would be specific for a genotype (i.e. deviate from majority).
Each genotype has around 10 times more SNV (single nucleotide variations) that are not captured by array. Some of these missing SNPs are very valuable for demultiplexing.
efficiently combines information from multiple reads with same UMI and cross-checks itdemuxlet
due to multiprocessingPlain and simple:
pip install demuxalot # Requires python >= 3.8
Here are some common scenarios and how they are implemented in demuxalot.
Also visit examples/
Only using provided genotypes
from demuxalot import Demultiplexer, BarcodeHandler, ProbabilisticGenotypes, count_snps
# Loading genotypes
genotypes = ProbabilisticGenotypes(genotype_names=['Donor1', 'Donor2', 'Donor3'])
# Loading barcodes
barcode_handler = BarcodeHandler.from_file('path/to/barcodes.csv')
snps = count_snps(
# returns two dataframes with likelihoods and posterior probabilities
likelihoods, posterior_probabilities = Demultiplexer.predict_posteriors(
Refinement of known genotypes is shown in a notebook, see examples/
# You can always export learnt genotypes to be used later
refined_genotypes = ProbabilisticGenotypes(genotype_names= <list which genotypes to load here>)
Loading of internal parquet-based format is much faster than parsing/validating VCF. Makes sense to export VCF to internal format in two cases:
genotypes = ProbabilisticGenotypes(genotype_names=['Donor1', 'Donor2', 'Donor3'])
# later you can use it.
genotypes = ProbabilisticGenotypes(genotype_names=['Donor1', 'Donor2', 'Donor3'])