cas-mls / cpu2

This is a simple CPU architecture that I used to verify that I understand how to use FPGAs, VHDL, and write a CPU using Vivado on Arty S7. This is my largest project to date. Under 1000 Lines of Code.
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Craig's CPU

This is a simple CPU architecture that I used to verify that I understand how to use FPGAs, VHDL, and write a CPU. This is my largest project to date.


Clock Speed.
Word size 32 Bits
Memory 4096 Words
Average Instructions per second. 16.6KIPS
Cache 0
Cores 1
Registers 16
Interrupt 32
IO Addresses 256





Clock Speed
32 Bit words
4096 Word Memory
Average Instructions per second
No. Cores
No. Registers
No. Interrupt
No. IO Addresses


  1. Instructions are the same length.
  2. Memory is accessed in the same length as Instructions. Word and Instruction length is 32 bits.
  3. All instructions contain the same fields. Some fields are not used for some instructions.
  4. Each instruction contains 2 register fields.
  5. Only the store commands will update memory.
  6. There will be 16 registers.
  7. No status flags are required. Branches compare 2 registers.

Instruction Format

Opcode Flag Access
Register 1 Register 2 Immediate /
Bit Position 31-27 26 25-24 23-20 19-16 15-0
Number Bits 5 1 2 4 4 16
Description Hi/Low / Not 0 = Register / Register
1 = Immediate
2 = Absolute
3 = Indexed
Destination / Accumulator Source / Index

Recommendation: R0 not be used as a user register.


There are 5 bits for the opcode.


Load instruction - High 1/2 word = 1, Low 1/2 Word = 0

1 = NOT for the following instructions:

Access (Memory)

Register/Register - The first register is an destination/accumulator. The second register is a source/memory index.

Immediate - This is 16-bit data that can be used to load or change the accumulator.

Absolute - This gets the address from the 16-bit Immediate part of the instruction.

Index - This gets the address from the addition of the 2nd register and the Immediate part of the instruction.

Register 1

The first Register is the destination for load, source for the store, and accumulator for Add, Subtract, And, etc.

Register 2

The Second Register is the source or index. For Operations (Add, Subtract, Add, etc.) this can be added to the Immediate value. If Register 0 is used then nothing will be used in the operation. For Branch instruction the second Register is Register 0 this will cause Register 1 to be compared with 0 (branch zero, branch not zero, branch negative and branch positive, etc).


The immediate part of the instruction is limited to 16 bits. It can only load the lower half of the word. Setting the flag will cause the load to work on the higher bits. The Immediate is currently an unsigned integer.

Architecture / Design

The CPU contains the Finite State Model for the instruction cycle. All of the processes are located in other modules. The Program Counter module includes the process to update the program counter and instruction address. The Memory Access module includes updating the instruction's memory argument (data). The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) updates the register with the instruction operation. The IO Processing performs operations which sets the address, read/write enable, and writes data to the computer. The Wait / Timer module the wait pauses the instructions from executing and sleep will allow the processor to continue, and call an interrupt when the time expires. The Interrupt process will start when an interrupt happens then it stores the program counter and mask to the stack and calls the interrupt.

The Memory IP is maintained external to the CPU (currently inside the test Computer Module). Nothing prevents Port A and Port B from being different Memory Module.


The operation cycles are in the following order: ADDRESS, INSTFETCH1, INSTFETCH2, DECODE, MEMFETCH1, MEMFETCH2, EXECUTE, and CLEANUP. Some instructions do not use all of the cycles. Example: the MEMFETCH1only is used during Read / Write IO operations, other operations completely skipped this cycle. Another exception MEMFETCH1 and MEMFETCH2 cycles are skipped when the operation is not a Memory read (Access / Memory operations 2 and 3).

During each cycle, the Access (Memory) value is selected (Case statement) and then the Opcode is selected (Case). This is opposite to the normal method of CPU operation (Opcode first, Memory second).

Wire Assignments (outputs)

Signal Description
IO_ADDR Address of the IO peripheral.
IOW_DATA Data to be written to the peripheral.
IOW_ENA Flag indicating the transfer of data from CPU to peripheral.
IOR_ENA Flag indicating the data needs to be transferred from peripheral to CPU.
MEM_ENA Enable at Address and disable during the Decode for branches.
MEM_WEA Always 0 (Read Only)
MEM_ADDRA The address to Read or Write memory.
MEM_ENB The Instruction Memory enabled.
MEM_WEB The Instruction Memory Read/Write.
MEM_ADDRB The Instruction address to Read or Write memory.
MEM_DINB The Instruction input data.

Used Wires (inputs):

Signal Description
IOR_DATA Data from the peripheral device.
IO_STATUS The IO status from the peripheral device.
INTERRUPT The Interrupt vector
MEM_DINB Instruction operation.
MEM_DINB The Instruction input data.

Internal Wires:

Signal Description
Program Counter Program counter (address) of the current executed statement.
fsm_inst_cycle_p / fsm_inst_cycle_n Instruction finite state model (See below)
flag/ffflag Multiple use flag (e.g., negative logic)
opcode/ffopcode Instruction operation
memop/ffmemop Memory access operation.
regop1/iregop1/ffiregop1 Instruction identified first register.
ireg1value Value of the Register pointed to by instruction.
regop2/iregop2/ffiregop2 Instruction identified second register.
ireg2value Value of the Register pointed to by instruction.
immop/ffimmop Immediate value from the instruction.
cpuRegs The fast CPU registers.
fsm_interrupt_cycle_p Interrupt finite state model
interruptRun Flag indicating that the interrupt is running.
interruptNum Interrupt number being processed (1-31)
interruptMask The Interrupt enable mask (1 is enabled).
interruptSpNum The stack pointer register.
interruptSpAddrValue The value of the stack pointer at the starting of the interrupt.
waitRun This is active when it is in a wait state.
waitAlarm The alarm happens when the wait timer is completed.
waitCancel This cancels the wait state.
timerAlarm This alarm happens when the timer is completed.
timerInt The interrupt number is to be processed when the timer alarm goes off.

Instruction State Diagram

Cycle Description
ADDRESS Sets the instruction address.
Start interrupt processing
INSTFETCH1 Wait for instruction data.
INSTFETCH2 Wait for instruction data.
DECODE Instruction Data is available and the Instruction is separated into different fields.
The main purpose is to get the values required to perform the operations. For Memory operations 0 (Register/Register), the register values are obtained. For Memory Operation 1 the Registers and the Immediate values. For Memory Operation 2, the Immediate value is used as the Memory address. For Memory Operation 3, the Register and the Immediate values are added and used as the Memory address.
MEMFETCH1 Wait for Access (Memory) types 2 and 3.
The Return from Interrupt (RTI) operation reads the stack for the Interrupt Mask.
MEMFETCH2 Wait for Read for Access (Memory) types 2 and 3.
EXECUTE Perform the operations.
CLEANUP Perform additional items after Execute. Read and Write operations are the only operations that use this cycle state to reset the enable flag.
    [*] --> ADDRESS_S : Reset
    DECODE_S --> MEMFETCH1_S : addr modes 2 & 3
    DECODE_S --> EXECUTE_S : addr modes 0 & 1
    EXECUTE_S --> ADDRESS_S : jumps & branches
    EXECUTE_S --> CLEANUP_S : rio & wio
    EXECUTE_S --> DECODE_S : addr modes 2 & 3
    EXECUTE_S --> INSTFETCH2_S : addr modes 0 & 1

Program Counter

This handles the program counter (PC) and memory access for obtaining the instruction. This sets the address of the next instruction (Port A memory access). This is the fetch.


Wire Assignments (outputs)

Signal Description
MEM_ADDRA The address to Read or Write memory.
MEM_ENA Enable at Address and disable during the Decode for branches.
MEM_WEA Always 0 (Read Only)
Program Counter Program counter (address) of the current executed statement.

Note: Actually setting MEM_DOUTA (writting memory) is not part of this process. Note: The Program Counter is a Combinational output of the internal ProgCounterLocal.

Used Wires (inputs):

Signal Description
INSTRUCTION Current Fetched Instruction
cpuRegs CPU Fast Registers
fsm_inst_cycle_p Process States:
RESET_STATE_S - Reset the CPU.
ADDRESS_S - Setting the address from the program counter. This sets the clears the memory enable.
DECODE_S - Instruction Decode and identify operands. Sets up the Memory addresses and write data.
EXECUTE_S - Execute the instruction. To process interrupts, store registers/data.
fsm_interrupt_cycle_p Process States:
JUMP_S - Changes the program counter to address from the interrupt vector.

Internal Wires:

Signal Description
opcode/ffopcode Instruction operation
ffflag Multiple use flag to modify the instruction operation (e.g., negative logic)
ffmemop Memory access operation (Reg/Reg, Immediate, absolute and indexed).
ffiregop1 Instruction identified first register.
ffiregop2 Instruction identified second register.
ireg1value Register value of the first instruction register.
ireg2value Register value of the second instruction register.
ffimmop Immediate value from the instruction.
ProgCounterLocal Local Program Counter used for calculations.

Note: During the Decode state, the MEM_DOUTA is separated into opcode, flag, memop, regop1, regop2, and immop combinational wires. The ff* are clocked flip-flop registers that store the values to be used in other states.

Memory Access

This handles the memory access for the operand, stack, and etc. memory. This used the Port B memory access.


Wire Assignments (outputs)

Signal Description
MEM_ENB The Instruction Memory enabled.
MEM_WEB The Instruction Memory Read/Write.
MEM_ADDRB The Instruction address to Read or Write memory.
MEM_DINB The Instruction input data.

Note: Actually setting MEM_DOUTB (writting memory) is not part of this process. But setting the address to write memory is being set. This does not used 3-state addresses, could make use of it in the future.

Used Wires (Inputs)

Signal Description
INSTRUCTION Instruction operation
cpuRegs The fast CPU registers.
fsm_inst_cycle_p Process States:
RESET_STATE_S - Reset the CPU.
ADDRESS_S - Setting the address from the program counter. This sets clears the memory enable.
DECODE_S - Instruction Decode and identify operands. Sets up the Memory addresses and writes data.
MEMFETCH1_S - Waits to read (MEM_DOUTB) because of the memory legacy and latches. This is use to pop interrupt PC and mask.
MEMFETCH2_S - Waits to read (MEM_DOUTB) because of the memory legacy and latches
EXECUTE_S - Execute the instruction. To process interrupts, and store registers/data.
CLEANUP_S - Clean up data after execute state.
fsm_interrupt_cycle_p Process States:
SAVEENA_S (State 2) - Saves the Interrupt Enable Mask.
DISABLEINT_S (State 3) - Disable all Interrupts.
JMPADDR_S (State 4) - Get the Interrupt Handler from address vector.
JMPFETCH2_S (State 6) - Memory Read Latency
interruptRun Flag indicating that the interrupt is running.
interruptNum Interrupt number being processed (1-31)
interruptMask The Interrupt enable mask (1 is enabled).
interruptSpAddrValue The value of the stack pointer at the starting of the interrupt.
ProgramCounter Program counter (address) of the current executed statement.

Internal Wires:

Signal Description
flag/ffflag Multiple use flag (e.g., negative logic)
opcode/ffopcode Instruction operation
memop/ffmemop Memory access operation.
regop1/iregop1/ffiregop1 Instruction identified first register.
ireg1value Value of the Register pointed to by instruction.
regop2/iregop2/ffiregop2 Instruction identified second register.
ireg2value Value of the Register pointed to by instruction.
immop/ffimmop Immediate value from the instruction.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

This handles the updating and operating on the register and is also known as the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).


Wire Assignments (outputs)

Signal Description
cpuRegs The fast CPU registers.

Used Wires (Inputs)

Signal Description
INSTRUCTION Instruction operation
MEM_ARG The current memory argument from decode.
fsm_inst_cycle_p Process States:
RESET_STATE_S - Reset the CPU.
EXECUTE_S - Execute the instruction. To process interrupts, store registers/data.
CLEANUP_S - Clean up data after execute.
fsm_interrupt_cycle_p Process States:
SAVEENA_S (State 2) - Saves the Interrupt Enable Mask.
JMPADDR_S (State 4) - Get the Interrupt Handler from address vector.
IOR_DATA Data from the peripheral device.
IO_STATUS The IO status from the peripheral device.
ireg1value Value of the Register pointed to by instruction.
ffiregop2 Instruction identified second register.
ireg2value Value of the Register pointed to by instruction.

Internal Wires:

Signal Description
ffopcode Instruction operation
ffflag Multiple use flag (e.g., negative logic)
ffmemop Memory access operation.
ffiregop1 Instruction identified first register.
ffiregop2 Instruction identified second register.
ffimmop Immediate value from the instruction.

IO Processing

This handles the address, data, and statuses for IO.


Wire Assignments (outputs)

Signal Description
IO_ADDR Address of the IO peripheral.
IOW_DATA Data to be written to the peripheral.
IOW_ENA Flag indicating the transfer of data from CPU to peripheral.
IOR_ENA Flag indicating the data needs to be transferred from peripheral to CPU.

Note: Interrupt driven peripheral should use the Interrupts Processing (No special purpose IO interrupts). Note: Reading the IO (IOR_DATA) is not performed in this process. it is used by other processes.

Used Wires (Inputs)

Signal Description
INSTRUCTION Instruction operation
MEM_ARG The current memory argument from decode.
fsm_inst_cycle_p Process States:
RESET_STATE_S - Reset the CPU.
DECODE_S - Instruction Decode and identify operands.
EXECUTE_S - Execute the instruction. To process interrupts, store registers/data.
CLEANUP_S - Clean up data after execute.
cpuRegs The fast CPU registers.

Internal Wires:

Signal Description
flag/ffflag Multiple use flag (e.g., negative logic)
opcode/ffopcode Instruction operation
memop/ffmemop Memory access operation.
regop1/iregop1/ffiregop1 Instruction identified first register.
ireg1value Value of the Register pointed to by instruction.
regop2/iregop2/ffiregop2 Instruction identified second register.
ireg2value Value of the Register pointed to by instruction.
immop/ffimmop Immediate value from the instruction.

Wait / Timer


This processes the wait instruction which pauses execution and sleep which continues the execution, but when the alarm happens it will call a interrupt. The wait and sleep timers count the clock.

Wire Assignments (outputs)

Signal Description
waitAlarm The alarm happens when the wait timer is completed.
waitRun This is active when it is in a wait state.
waitCancel This cancels the wait state.
timerAlarm This alarm happens when the timer is completed.
timerInt The interrupt number is to be processed when the timer alarm goes off.

Note: Interrupt driven peripheral should use the Interrupts Processing (No special purpose IO interrupts). Note: Reading the IO (IOR_DATA) is not performed in this process. it is used by other processes.

Used Wires (Inputs)

Signal Description
INSTRUCTION Instruction operation
fsm_inst_cycle_p Process States:
RESET_STATE_S - Reset the CPU.
DECODE_S - Instruction Decode and identify operands.
EXECUTE_S - Execute the instruction. To process interrupts, store registers/data.
cpuRegs The fast CPU registers.

Internal Wires:

Signal Description
flag/ffflag Multiple use flag (e.g., negative logic)
opcode/ffopcode Instruction operation
memop/ffmemop Memory access operation.
regop1/iregop1/ffiregop1 Instruction identified first register.
ireg1value Value of the Register pointed to by instruction.
regop2/iregop2/ffiregop2 Instruction identified second register.
ireg2value Value of the Register pointed to by instruction.
immop/ffimmop Immediate value from the instruction.
waitReg This is the wait register.
waitTime This is the wait timer.
waitCount This is the counter for the timer.
waitResolution This is the resolution of the wait timer.
waitResCounter This counter will count the number of resolution values.
waitRunLocal This is the local value of the wait run.
waitCancelLocal This is the local value of the cancel.
timerRun This is active when the timer is running.
timerReg This is the timer register number.
timerTime This is the wait timer.
timerCount This is the counter for the timer.
timerResolution This is the resolution of the wait timer.
timerResCounter This counter will count the number of resolution values.


This handles the interrupt put the Mask and program counter on the stack and calls the interrupt handler. The maintains it own finite state machine (FSM).

Wire Assignments (outputs)

Signal Description
INTRWAIT_S (State 0) - Wait for Interrupt
CYCLEWAIT_S (State 1) - Wait for Instruction Cycle to complete.
SAVEENA_S (State 2) - Saves the Interrupt Enable Mask.
DISABLEINT_S (State 3) - Disable all Interrupts.
JMPADDR_S (State 4) - Get the Interrupt Handler from address vector.
JMPFETCH1_S (State 5) - Memory Read Latency
JMPFETCH2_S (State 6) - Memory Read Latency
JUMP_S (State 7) - Start the Instruction Cycle with Interrupt Handler.
DONE_S (State 8) - Complete the Interrupt processing.
interruptRun Flag indicating that the interrupt is running.
interruptNum Interrupt number being processed (1-31)
interruptMask The Interrupt enable mask (1 is enabled).
interruptSpNum The stack pointer register.
interruptSpAddrValue The value of the stack pointer at the starting of the interrupt.

Note: Limitations 1) The interrupt is read when instruction in execute state.

Used Wires (Inputs)

Signal Description
INSTRUCTION Current Fetched Instruction
cpuRegs CPU Registers
fsm_inst_cycle_p Process States:
RESET_STATE_S - Reset the CPU.
DECODE_S - Instruction Decode and identify operands.
EXECUTE_S - Execute the instruction.
CLEANUP_S - Clean up data after execute.
MEM_ARG The current memory argument from decode.
INTERRUPT The Interrupt vector
timerAlarm Completion of the timer alarm.
timerInt The interrupt number (1-31)

Internal Wires:

Signal Description
opcode/ffopcode Instruction operation
ffflag Multiple use flag (e.g., negative logic)
memop/ffmemop Memory access operation.
ffiregop1 Instruction identified first register.
ireg1value Value of the Register pointed to by instruction.
ireg2value Value of the Register pointed to by instruction.
ffimmop Immediate value from the instruction.
Local value of the current state (set and used).
fsm_interrupt_cycle_n Next interrupt state.
interBitNum Interrupt bit number (interrupt number)
interruptMaskLocal Local value of the Mask (set and used).
interruptSpNumLocal Local value of the interrupt stack register number (set and used).

Interrupt State Diagram

Cycle Description
Interrupt Processing
SAVEENA IntEna → dinB
reg(InterSP) → reg(InterSP) – 1
DISABLEINT ’0’ → IntEna(interNum)
reg(InterSP) → addrB
PC → dinB
JMPADDR reg(InterSP) → reg(InterSP) – 1
InterNum → addrB

    [*] --> INTRWAIT_S 
    INTRWAIT_S --> CYCLEWAIT_S : interrupt, SWI
    CYCLEWAIT_S --> CYCLEWAIT_S : Wait for Execute State
    CYCLEWAIT_S --> SAVEENA_S : Execute State
    JUMP_S --> [*]


Opcode Bits Flag Address #0
Register / Register
Address #1
Address #2
Absolute Memory
Address #3
Index Memory
ld (Load) 00010 High Bits (16-31) $R2 → R1$ $imm → R1$ $mem[imm] → R1$ $mem[r2+imm] → R1$
st (Store) 00100 NA NA NA $R1 → mem[imm]$ $R1 → mem[r2+imm]$
jmp (Jump) 00110 NA $R1 → PC$ $imm → PC$ $mem[imm] → PC$ $mem[r2 + mem] → PC$
jsr (Jump Subroutine)[^1] 01000 NA $PC+1 → mem[R1]\R1-1 → R1\R2 → PC$ $PC+1 → mem[R1]\R1-1 → R1\imm → PC$ NA NA
rtn (Return)[^1] 01010 NA $R1+1 → R1\mem(R1) → PC$ NA NA NA
bne (not flag)[^2]
bz (R2=0)
bnz (R2=0, Flag=1)[^3]
01100 Not NA $imm → PC$ $mem(imm) → PC$ NA
bge (not flag)[^4]
bn (R2=0)[^5]
01110 Not NA $imm → PC$ $mem(imm) → PC$ NA
ble (not flag)[^6]
bp (R2=0)[^7]
10000 Not NA $imm → PC$ $mem(imm) → PC$ NA
push[^1] 10010 0 $R2 → mem(R1)\R1-1 → R1$ $imm → mem(R1)\R1-1 → R1$ NA[^8] NA[^8]
pop[^1] 10010 1 $R1+1 → R1\mem(R1) → R2$ NA NA[^8] NA[^8]
wait[^13] 10101 0 $R1 -- Counter,\imm→ resolution\'1' → waitEna$
timer[^14] 10101 0 $R1 -- Counter,\ R2 -> TimerInt\imm->resolution\'1' → TimeeFlag$
cancel 10101 1 $if (R1 is Wait Register) then\'0' → waitFlag\if (R1 is Timer Register) then\'0' → timerFlag$
rio (Read IO) 10110 0 $R2 → IOAddr,\IOData → R1$ $imm → IOAddr\IOData → R1$ $R2 → IOAddr\IOData → mem(imm)$ $R1 → IOAddr\IOData → mem(r2+imm)$
wio (Write IO) 10110 1 $R2 → IOAddr\R1 → IOData$ $imm → IOAddr\R1 → IOData$ $R2 → IOAddr\mem(imm) → IOData$ $R1 → IOAddr\mem(r2+imm) → IOData$
rsio (Read Status) 11000 0 $R2 → IOAddr\Status → R1$ $imm → IOAddr\Status → R1$
wsio (Write Status) 11000 1 $R2 → IOAddr\ Status → R1$ $imm → IOAddr\Status → R1$
rti (Return from Interrupt)[^11] 11010 NA NA NA NA NA
swi (Software Interrupt)[^11] 11100 NA $'1' → IRProcFlag\R1 → InterNum$ $'1' → IRProcFlag\imm → InterNum$ Not Tested NA
iena (Interrupt enable mask)[^11]: [^12]: 11110 NA $R1 → IRSP,\R2 → InterEna$ $R1 → IRSP,\imm → InterEna$ $R1 → IRSP\mem(imm) → \InterEna$ NA
add 00001 NA $R1 + R2 → R1$ $R1 + R2 + imm → R1 \ R2 == 0 : R1 + \imm → R1$ $R1 + mem(imm) → R1$ $R1 + mem(r2+imm)$ → R1
sub 00011 NA $R1 - R2 → R1$ $R1 - R2 - imm → R1\R2 == 0 : R1 -\ imm → R1$ $R1 - mem(imm) → R1$ $R1 - mem(r2+imm) → R1$
nand (Flag = 1)
00101 not $R1 ∧ R2 → R1$ $R1 ∧ R2 ∧ imm → R1\R2 = 0 : R1 ∧ \imm → R1$ $R1 ∧ mem(imm) → R1$ $R1 ∧ mem(r2+imm) → R1$
nor (Flag = 1)
00110 not $R1 ∨ R2 → R1$ $R1 ∨ R2 ∨ imm → R1\R2 = 0 : R1 ∨ \imm → R1$ $R1 ∧ mem(imm) → R1$ $R1 ∨ mem(r2+imm) → R1$
xnor (Flag = 1)
01011 not $R1 ⊕ R2 → R1$ $R1⊕R2⊕imm→ R1\R2=0:R1⊕\imm→R1$ $R1 ⊕ mem(imm) → R1$ $R1 ⊕ mem(r2+imm) → R1$
sll (Shift Left Logical) 01101 NA $R1 << R2 → R1$ $R1<<imm → R1\R2 = 0 : R1<<\imm → R1$ $R1<<mem(imm) → R1$ $R1<<mem(r2+imm) → R1$
srl(Shift Right Logical) 01111 NA $R1 >> R2 → R1$ $R1 >> imm → R1\R2 = 0 : R1 >> \imm → R1$ $R1>>mem(imm) → R1$ $R1>>mem(r2+imm) → R1$

[^1]: R1 is the Stack Pointer [^2]: R2 <> 0: R1 = R2 R1<>R2 (Flag=1) [^3]: R2 = 0: R1 = 0 / R1 <> 0 (Flag=1) [^4]: R2 <> 0: R1 < R2 / R1>=R2 (Flag =1) [^5]: R2 = 0: R1 < 0 / R1 >= 0 (Flag=1) [^6]: R2 <> 0: R1 > R2 / R1<=R2 (Flag=1) [^7]: R2 = 0: R1 > 0 / R1 <= 0 (Flag=1) [^8]: Memory Type 2 and 3 (might be possible with additional cycles)

[^11]:See Interrupt Section. [^12]:Interrupt Stack Pointer register number is saved and used for hardware and software interrupt. [^13]: R2 = 0: Wait statement [^14]: R2<>0: Timer statement, R2 contains the interrupt handler number

Instruction Matrix:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 ld r1, r2 jmp r1 jsr r1, r2 rtn r1
1 ldl r1, imm jmp imm jsr imm be r1, r2, imm<br />bz r1, imm blt r1, r2, imm<br />bn r1, imm 
2 ld r1, mem [addr] st r1, mem [addr] jmp mem [addr] be r1, r2, mem [addr]<br />bz r1, mem [addr] blt r1, r2, mem[addr] <br /> bn r1, mem[addr]
3 ld r1, r2, mem [addr] st r1, r2, mem [addr] jmp r2, mem [addr]
5 ldh r1, imm bne r1, r2, imm<br />bnz r1, imm bge r1, r2, imm<br />bl r1, r0, imm
6 bne r1, r2, mem [addr]<br />bnz r1, mem [addr] bge r1, r2, mem[addr]<br />bl r1, r0, mem[addr]
8 add r1, r2 sub r1, r2 and r1, r2 or r1, r2 xor r1, r2 sll r1, r2 srl r1, r2
9 add r1, r2, imm<br />add r1, imm sub r1, r2, imm<br />sub r1, imm and r1, r2, imm<br />and r1, imm or r1, r2, imm <br />or r1, imm xor r1, r2, imm<br />xor r1, imm sll r1, r2, imm<br />sll r1, imm srl r1, r2, imm<br />srl r1, imm
a add r1, mem[addr] sub r1, mem[addr] and r1, mem[addr] or r1, mem[addr] xor r1, mem[addr] sll r1, mem[addr] srl r1, mem[addr]
b add r1, r2, mem[addr] sub r1, r2, mem[addr] and r1, r2, mem[addr] or r1, r2, mem[addr] xor r1, r2, mem[addr] sll r1, r2, mem[addr] srl r1, r2, mem[addr]
c nand r1, r2 nor r1, r2 xnor r1, r2
d nand r1, r2, imm<br />nand r1, imm nor r1, r2, imm<br />nor r1, imm xnor r1, r2, imm<br />xnor r1, imm
e nand r1, mem[addr] nor r1, mem[addr] xnor r1, mem[addr]
f nand r1, r2, mem[addr] nor r1, r2, mem[addr] xnor r1, r2, mem[addr]
8 9 a b c d e f
0 push r1, r2 rio r1, r2 rsio r1, r2 rti swi r2 iena r1, r2
1 bgt r1, r2, imm<br />bp r1, imm push r1, imm wait r1, imm<br />time r1, r2, imm roi r1, imm rsoi r1, imm swi imm iena r1, imm
2 bgt r1, r2, mem[addr]<br />bp r1, mem[addr] roi r1, mem[addr] swi mem[addr] iena r1, mem[addr]
3 roi r1, r2, mem[addr]
4 pop r1, r2 CANC r1 wio r1, r2 wsio r1, r2
5 ble r1, r2, imm<br />bg r1, r0, imm woi r1, imm wsoi r1, imm
6 ble r1, r2, mem[addr]<br />bg r1, r0, mem[addr] woi r1, mem[addr]
7 woi r1, r2, mem[addr]

Instruction Detail

Reduction of cycles will be achieved when the instruction is preloaded (sequentially processed instruction).


Perform loads and store operations. The cycles are the maximum cycles for that instruction. The Load Immediate will fill the register with 2 separate operations (Load High and Load Low). The Load Immediate uses a Signed argument, and the Load High/Low uses unsigned.

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
ld r1, r2 Register/Register 10 5 R2 → R1
ldl r1, Imm Immediate (Low) 11 5 Imm → R1[0:15]
ldh r1, Imm Immediate (High) 15 5 Imm → R1[16:31]
ld r1, Imm Immediate 15 and 11
Performs two Operations
10 Imm[0:15] → R1[0:15]
Imm[16:31] → R1[16:31]
ld r1, mem[address] Absolute 12 7 mem[address] → R1
ld r1, r2, mem[address] Index 13 7 mem[address+R2] → R1


Store the contents of the register in memory.

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
st r1, mem[address] Absolute 22 7 R1 → mem[address]
st r1, r2, mem[address] Index 23 7 R1 → mem[address+R2]


Unconditional jump to a new address. The index addressing command supports Jump Tables.

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
jmp r1 Register/Register 30 5 R1 → PC
jmp Imm Immediate 31 5 Imm[0:15] → PC
jmp mem[address] Absolute 32 7 mem[address] → PC
jmp r2, mem[address] Index 33 7 mem[address+R2] → PC

Jump Subroutine

The Jump to Subroutine stores the return address to the Stack which is pointed to by the first Register (Stack Pointer Register).

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
jsr r1, r2 Register/Register 40 5 PC+1 → mem(R1)
R1-1 → R1
R2 → PC
jsr imm Immediate 41 5 PC+1 → mem(R1),
R1-1 → R1,
imm → PC


The Return reads the return address from the Stack which is pointed to by the stack pointer register.

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
rtn r1 Register/Register 50 7 R1+1→ R1,
mem(R1) → PC


Branches compare the first register with the second register. If the second register is register zero (0) then it will compare to zero (Example bz r1, aaaa would assemble to 6110 aaaa, if r1 contains 0 then it would branch).

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
be r1, r2, Imm Immediate 61 5 if R1=R2 then Imm → PC
be r1, r2, mem[address] Absolute 62 7 if R1=R2 then mem(imm) → PC
bne r1, r2, Imm Immediate 65 5 if R1!=R2 then Imm → PC
bne r1, r2, mem[address] Absolute 66 7 if R1!=R2 then mem(imm) → PC
bz r1, Imm Immediate 61x0 5 if R1=0 then Imm → PC
bz r1, mem[address] Absolute 62x0 7 if R1=0 then mem(imm) → PC
bnz r1, Imm Immediate 65x0 5 if R1!=0 then Imm → PC
bnz r1, mem[address] Absolute 66x0 7 if R1!=0 then mem(imm) → PC
blt r1, r2, Imm Immediate 71 5 if R1<R2 then Imm → PC
blt r1, r2, mem[address] Absolute 72 7 if R1<R2 then mem(imm) → PC
bge r1, r2, Imm Immediate 75 5 if R1>=R2 then Imm → PC
bge r1, r2, mem[address] Absolute 76 7 if R1>=R2 then mem(imm) → PC
bn r1, Imm Immediate 71x0 5 if R1<0 then Imm → PC
bn r1, mem[address] Absolute 72x0 7 if R1<0 then mem(imm) → PC
bl r1, r0, Imm
(No specific assembly instruction)
Immediate 75x0 5 if R1>=0 then Imm → PC
bl r1, r0, mem[address]
(No specific assembly instruction)
Absolute 76x0 7 if R1>=0 then mem(imm) → PC
bgt r1, r2, Imm Immediate 81 5 if R1>R2 then Imm → PC
bgt r1, r2, mem[address] Absolute 82 7 if R1>R2 then mem(imm) → PC
ble r1, r2, Imm Immediate 85 5 if R1<=R2 then Imm → PC
ble r1, r2, mem[address] Absolute 86 7 if R1<=R2 then mem(imm) → PC
bp r1, Imm Immediate 81x0 5 if R1>0 then Imm → PC
bp r1, mem[address] Absolute 82x0 7 if R1>0 then mem(imm) → PC
bg r1, r0, Imm
(No specific assembly instruction)
Immediate 85x0 5 if R1<=0 then Imm → PC
bg r1, r0, mem[address]
(No specific assembly instruction)
Absolute 86x0 7 if R1<=0 then mem(imm) → PC

Stack Operations

Stack operations require a stack pointer register for R1. This is a normal register that can be loaded, stored, pushed, etc. Multiple stacks can exist using different registers. By convention, I use register 15 for stack pointer. Because the stack pointer is regular register, the register can be used to peek at the top of the stack, etc. The following instructions use the stack: jsr, rtn, push, pop, swi, and hardware interrupts.


Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
push r1, r2 Register/Register 90 7 R2 → mem(R1),
R1-1 → R1
push r1, Imm Immediate 91 7 Imm → mem(R1),
R1-1 → R1


Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
pop r1, r2 Register/Register 94 7 R1+1 → R1,
mem(R1) → R2


This command received input for peripherals. The IO address is one 8 bits (byte) and the data is one word 32 bits. The Status is defined by the peripheral, the only requirement is bit 0 is a busy bit.

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
rio r1, r2 Register/Register b0 7 R2 → IOAddr,
IOData → R1
rio r1, Imm Immediate b1 7 Imm → IOAddr,
IOData → R1
rio r1, mem[address] Absolute b2 8 R2 → IOAddr,
IOData → mem(imm)
rio r1, r2, mem[address] Index b3 8 R1 → IOAddr,
IOData → mem(r2+imm)
rsio r1, r2 Register/Register c0 7 R2 → IOAddr,
Status → R1
rsio r1, Imm Immediate c1 7 Imm → IOAddr,
Status → R1


This command output data to the peripherals. The IO address is one 8 bits (byte) and the data is one word 32 bits. The Status is defined by the peripheral, the only requirement is bit 0 is a busy bit. Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
wio r1, r2 Register/Register b4 7 R2 → IOAddr,
R1 → IOData,
Status → R0
wio r1, Imm Immediate b5 7 Imm → IOAddr,
R1 → IOData,
Status → R0
wio r1, mem[address] Absolute b6 8 R2 → IOAddr,
mem(imm) → IOData,
Status → R0
wio r1, r2, mem[address] Index b7 8 R1 → IOAddr,
mem(r2+imm) → IOData,
Status → R0
wsio r1, r2 Register/Register c4 7 R2 → IOAddr,
Status → R1
wsio r1, Imm Immediate c5 7 Imm → IOAddr,
Status → R1


Performs 2-complement addition. This does not support carry.

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
add r1, r2 Register/Register 08 5 R1 + R2 → R1
add r1, r2, Imm Immediate 09 5 R1 + R2 + Imm → R1
add r1, Imm Immediate 09x0 5 R1 + Imm → R1
add r1, mem[address] Absolute 0a 7 R1 + mem(imm) → R1
add r1, r2, mem[address] Index 0b 7 R1 + mem(r2+imm) → R1


Performs a 2-complement subtraction. This does not support overflow and carry.

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
sub r1, r2 Register/Register 18 5 R1 + R2 → R1
sub r1, r2, Imm Immediate 19 5 R1 + R2 + Imm → R1
sub r1, Imm Immediate 19x0 5 R1 + Imm → R1
sub r1, mem[address] Absolute 1a 7 R1 + mem(imm) → R1
sub r1, r2, mem[address] Index 1b 7 R1 + mem(r2+imm) → R1


Performs the logical "and" or "nand" to the accumulator.

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
and r1, r2 Register/Register 28 5 R1 ∧ mem(imm) → R1
and r1, r2, Imm Immediate 29 5 R1 ∧ R2 ∧ Imm → R1
and r1, Imm Immediate 29x0 5 R1 ∧ Imm → R1
and r1, mem[address] Absolute 2a 7 R1 ∧ mem(imm) → R1
and r1, r2, mem[address] Index 2b 7 R1 ∧ mem(r2+imm) → R1
nand r1, r2 Register/Register 2c 5 R1 ⊼ mem(imm) → R1
nand r1, r2, Imm Immediate 2d 5 R1 ⊼ R2 ⊼ Imm → R1
nand r1, Imm Immediate 2dx0 5 R1 ⊼ Imm → R1
nand r1, mem[address] Absolute 2e 7 R1 ⊼ mem(imm) → R1
nand r1, r2, mem[address] Index 2f 7 R1 ⊼ mem(r2+imm) → R1


Performs the logical "or" or "nor" to the accumulator.

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
or r1, r2 Register/Register 38 5 R1 ∨ mem(imm) → R1
or r1, r2, Imm Immediate 39 5 R1 ∨ R2 ∨ Imm → R1
or r1, Imm Immediate 39x0 5 R1 ∨ Imm → R1
or r1, mem[address] Absolute 3a 7 R1 ∨ mem(imm) → R1
or r1, r2, mem[address] Index 3b 7 R1 ∨ mem(r2+imm) → R1
nor r1, r2 Register/Register 3c 5 R1 ⊽ mem(imm) → R1
nor r1, r2, Imm Immediate 3d 5 R1 ⊽ R2 ⊽ Imm → R1
nor r1, Imm Immediate 3dx0 5 R1 ⊽ Imm → R1
nor r1, mem[address] Absolute 3e 7 R1 ⊽ mem(imm) → R1
nor r1, r2, mem[address] Index 3f 7 R1 ⊽ mem(r2+imm) → R1


Performs the logical "xor" or "xnor" to the accumulator.

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
xor r1, r2 Register/Register 58 5 R1 ⊕ mem(imm) → R1
xor r1, r2, Imm Immediate 59 5 R1 ⊕ R2 ⊕ Imm → R1
xor r1, Imm Immediate 59x0 5 R1 ⊕ Imm → R1
xor r1, mem[address] Absolute 5a 7 R1 ⊕ mem(imm) → R1
xor r1, r2, mem[address] Index 5b 7 R1 ⊕ mem(r2+imm) → R1
xnor r1, r2 Register/Register 5c 5 R1 ⊙ mem(imm) → R1
xnor r1, r2, Imm Immediate 5d 5 R1 ⊙ R2 ⊙ Imm → R1
xnor r1, Imm Immediate 5dx0 5 R1 ⊙ Imm → R1
xnor r1, mem[address] Absolute 5e 7 R1 ⊙ mem(imm) → R1
xnor r1, r2, mem[address] Index 5f 7 R1 ⊙ mem(r2+imm) → R1

Shift Left

Performs the shift left logical to the accumulator.

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
sll r1, r2 Register/Register 68 5 R1《 mem(imm) → R1
sll r1, r2, Imm Immediate 69 5 R1《 R2《 Imm → R1
sll r1, Imm Immediate 69x0 5 R1《 Imm → R1
sll r1, mem[address] Absolute 6a 7 R1《 mem(imm) → R1
sll r1, r2, mem[address] Index 6b 7 R1《 mem(r2+imm) → R1

Shift Right

Performs the shift right logical to the accumulator.

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
srl r1, r2 Register/Register 78 5 R1 》mem(imm) → R1
srl r1, r2, Imm Immediate 79 5 R1 》R2 》Imm → R1
srl r1, Imm Immediate 79x0 5 R1 》Imm → R1
srl r1, mem[address] Absolute 7a 7 R1 》mem(imm) → R1
srl r1, r2, mem[address] Index 7b 7 R1 》mem(r2+imm) → R1

Wait / Timer

The Wait instruction will accept the number of time cycles (R1 with 32-bits), and resolution (immediate 16-bits). The Timer instruction will accept the number of time cycles (R1 with 32-bits), interrupt number (R2 with lowest 5-bits), and resolution (immediate with 16-bits). If the wait and timer times is zero then the wait and timer will be set to infinite.

The 32-bit counter of a 100MHz clock will only count for 43 seconds. The Resolution field extends the time to 782 days, but the precision is maintained at 32 bits. The precision for the max time (782 days) is 0.6ms. The system contains a resolution counter and a timer counter. For each clock cycle the CPU increments the resolution counter. When the resolution counter reaches the resolution value it increments the timer counter.

resolCounter = resolCounter + 1;
if resolCounter >= resolution value then
    timerCounter = timerCounter + 1;
    resolCounter = 0;
    if timerCounter >= timerValue then
        either quit the wait or start the interrupt handler
        timerCounter = 0;
    end if
end if;

When the counter cycle is started an enable flag is set. When the counter is complete, the enable flag is reset.

For the sync (Wait), when the counter is going, the Wait cycle will be processed. When the counter is finished, the Wait Cycle is stopped and the start of the regular cycle starts.

For the async (timer) the counter is going the regular cycle continues. When the counter is finished the cycle is transferred to the interrupt cycle.

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
wait r1, Imm Immediate a1x0 5 R1 → Wait Timer
Imm → Resolution
Enable Wait Timer
time r1, r2, Imm Immediate a1 5 R1 → Timer
R2 → Interrupt Number
Imm → Resolution
Enable Timer
canc r1 Register/Register a4 5 if R1 is Wait Reg then '0' → Disable Wait
if R1 is Timer Reg then '0' → Disable Timer


Interrupt Enable Mask

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
iena r1, r2 Register/Register f0 5 R1 – IR Stack Pointer,
R2 → Interrupts Enable Mask
iena r1, Imm Immediate f1 5 R1 –IR Stack Pointer,
Imm → Interrupts Enable Mask(Low 16 bits)
iena r1, mem[address] Absolute f2 7 R1 – IR Stack Pointer,
mem(address) → Interrupts Enable Mask

Software Interrupt

The Software Interrupt just sets the Interrupt Process Flag and sets the Interrupt Number. This will initiate the interrupt process listed before.

There are 32 unique interrupts. Only 31 can be programmed interrupt 0 is for resetting the CPU. The CPU contains an interrupt enable mask (32-bit word). The CPU can only start processing one interrupt at a time. The interrupts are checked after the execute cycle and start at the next start of the instruction cycle. Interrupt 0 is the only non-maskable interrupt.

Software interrupts specify as part of the instruction the interrupt to process. The SW interrupt can start the same interrupt as a hardware interrupt. The software can reset the CPU by issuing a SW interrupt 0, this has not been tested.

Interrupt Vector:

interrupt Handler Address
0 (CPU Reset) 0 (Address of the first executable instruction after reset and Interrupt 0 (bit 0).)
1 1 (Address of the interrupt handler for Interrupt 1.)
... ...
31 31 (Address of the interrupt handler for Interrupt 31.)
Executable Instructions 32
... ...

Interrupt Process initiated by Hardware or Software interrupt.

  1. The Software Interrupt Mask is pushed onto the Interrupt Stack
  2. The Interrupt Mask is cleared. The Interrupt handler is responsible for updating the mask, if required.
  3. The Program counter is pushed on the Interrupt Stack.
  4. The interrupt Handler address is loaded to the Program Counter from the Interrupt Vector.

Return from Interrupt.

  1. The interrupt will issue an RTI instruction.
  2. The Program Counter will be popped from the Interrupt Stack
  3. The Interrupt Mask will be popped from the Interrupt Stack
  4. The Instruction Cycle starts over.
Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
swi r1 Register/Register e0 5 Check for Interrupt Enabled.
IR Process Flag → ‘1’
R1 → Interrupt Number
Perform Hardware Interrupt
swi Imm Immediate e100 5 Check for Interrupt Enabled.
IR Process Flag → ‘1’
Imm → Interrupt Number
Perform Hardware Interrupt
swi mem[address] Absolute e2 7 Check for Interrupt Enabled.
IR Process Flag → ‘1’
mem(address) → Interrupts Enable Mask
Perform Hardware Interrupt

Return from Interrupt

Assembly Addressing Code Clock Cycles Operation
rti Register/Register d000 8 mem(reg(InterSP)+1) → PC
mem(reg(InterSP))+2) → IntEna
reg(InterSP)+2 → reg(InterSP)

Hardware Interrupt

Cycle Interrupt Process
PREFETCH reg(InterSP) → addrB
SAVEENA2 IntEna → dinB reg(InterSP) → reg(InterSP) – 1
INTERRUPTDISABLE ’0’ → IntEna(interNum)
PUSHPC1 reg(InterSP) → addrB
PUSHPC2 PC+1 → dinB reg(InterSP) → reg(InterSP) – 1
JINTERRUPT InterNum → addrA
WAIT1 Wait
WAIT2 Wait

Return from interrupt processing:

Cycle Return Process
DECODES reg(InterSP)+1 → addrB
MEMRWAIT reg(InterSP))+2 → addrB
EXECUTE DoutB → PC reg(InterSP)+2 → reg(InterSP)
MEMW DoutB → IntEna

Serial Device

The Serial Device is a basic UART that runs through the Serial/Programming interface for the Arty device. This device uses the AXI UART Lite v2.0 IP provided by Vivado. The interface is AXI-Lite, the first time I used this interface, and needed additional time to understand it. It was hard to find documentation and examples of this IP. The example Vivado uses is limited and can only be read from the serial. I'm not describing the AXI-Lite protocol.

Signal Direction Description
CLK IN The System Clock
RST IN Reset Signal
UART_RXD IN Serial Read.
UART_TXD OUT Serial Transmitted.
TxByte IN Byte data to be transmitted.
TxAvail IN The flag indicates that the transmitted byte is valid.
TxStatus OUT Transmitted Status word.
Interrupt OUT Interrupt value when the read data is available.
RdByte OUT Read data byte.
RdStatus OUT Read Status word

Read/Write Status word is formatted with the following fields:

Bit(s) Name Read/Write/Both Description
0 Busy Both
1-2 AXI Response Both 0 = OKAY - Successful
1 = EXOKAY - Successful with Exclusive Access
2 = SLVERR - Unsuccessful
3 = DECERR - Decode Error
3 Rx FIFO Valid Read Indicates if the receive FIFO has data.
4 RX FIFO Full Read Indicates if the receive FIFO is full.
5 Tx FIFO Empty Write Indicates if the transmit FIFO is empty.
6 TS FIFO Full Write Indicates if the transmit FIFO is full.
7 Interrupt Ena Read Indicates that interrupts is enabled.
8 Overrun Error Read Indicates that an overrun error has occurred after the last time the status register was read. Overrun is when a new character has been received but the receive FIFO is full. The received character is ignored and not written into the receive FIFO. This bit is cleared when the status register is read. [This might not work in my implementation]
9 Frame Error Read Indicates that a frame error has occurred after the last time the status register was read. Frame error is defined as detection of a stop bit with the value 0. The receive character is ignored and not written to the receive FIFO.
10 Parity Error Read Indicates that a parity error has occurred after the last time the status register was read. If the UART is configured without any parity handling, this bit is always 0.