coniferconifer / ESP32-HX711-MQTT

Weight scale IoT by ESP32
Apache License 2.0
11 stars 3 forks source link
esp32 hx711 mqtt node-red scale tanita thingsboard weight wifi

Weight scale IoT by ESP32

Fig.1 shematics by Fritzing Fig.1 shematics by Fritzing

Fig.2 The weight scale remodeled by ESP32-HX711-MTT Fig.2 TANITA weight scale remodeled by ESP32-HX711-MTT

Legacy weight scale is remodeled into WiFi connected scale by ESP32

Fig.3 slack Fig.3 slack

Fig.4 Node-RED running on raspberry pi Fig.4 Node-RED

remaining issues

License: Apache License v2



MQTT server with visiualization tools